Pembrolizumab response

  • 25 replies
  • 62 subscribers

Hi all just seeking others experience of Pembrolizumab Iv recently had my second treatment and all is going well apart from a little tiredness Iv not experienced and other side effects so far. 
my worry is that I can feel the cancer growing as is on two parts of my lower spine .. the medical team say it is very early days in regards to the treatment. But so worried that I won’t respond to it … has anyone else experienced delays in response .. 

kind regards 


  • Hi

    I don't have any experience with pembrolizumab but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet.

    I typed 'pembrolizumab' into the group search bar and found these previous posts which mention it for you to have a look through. You could have a read through the more recent ones and reply to any of the posters if you think they can help you further.

    It's natural to worry that the treatment won't work but, as you said, your medical team have told you that it's very early days yet.

    Sending a (((hug)))

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Latchbrook

    thankyou for your kind response I have looked through other posts … sorry for the delayed response .. I went back into hospital yesterday for a tumour to be removed.. the op went well and I’m pleased that’s one part of the disease has been taken away.. the surgeon thinks we made the right choice as it had grown more within the two weeks he last see me. Fingers crossed the Pembrolizumab will kick in .. I have been referred for radiotherapy on my spine to relieve the pain .. so things are moving forward. 

    i hope u are ok and things are well

    Best wishes Sun

    M. Marsden

  • Hi, I've been on Pembro for nearly a year now (stage 3c) and have tolerated it well. Some constipation and arthritic hands as well as increased tiredness.  It's generally tolerated well but some people do have complications.  I had a mole removed from my arm plus I had cancer cells in my lymph glands but nothing elsewhere so I have no idea if it will "cure" it forever or just keep any spread at bay for now.  There are lots of statistics out there but in the end you just don't know how your body will respond I'm afraid. Plus all my 3 monthly scans have been clear so far but it's no guarantee sadly. Xx

  • Hi 

    I'm glad to hear that the operation went well and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for both your immunotherapy treatment and radiotherapy.

    Thanks for asking after me. I'd like to say that everything's okay but, unfortunately, I was diagnosed with breast cancer from a routine mammogram 8 weeks ago. I can't fault the speed of treatment I've had from the NHS as, during that time, I've had biopsies, a lumpectomy and SLNB and I have an appointment to see an oncologist in 10 days time to start chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy. I thought I was coming to the end of my time with cancer, having now been 5 years clear of melanoma, but it appears not Disappointed


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi latchbrook 

    sorry to here yr news this must be so frustrating and alarming for u. I hope yr treatment goes well . It’s good to here the NHS are on the ball and things are moving forward . I must admit the hospital team I have are so good I cannot fault them. 

    I had a visit from the pain team nurse and she has prescribed me more pain relief… but then she went down the road of end of life care which I was so not prepared for and stopped the conversation… 

    however I then had an appointment with the oncologist about the radiotherapy and she was so positive and reassuring it lifted my mood again … she was also of the view that the Pembrolizumab needed more time. 

    on Friday I came up in a rash on my face and neck which had now gone . It may be a sigh that something is happening. Fingers crossed Fingers crossed moving forward 

    take care xx

    M. Marsden

  • Hi Allotment lover

    thank you for your response it sounds like the pembro is working for u .. Im hopefull that I will respond as when it does work it’s brilliant for some … I’m naturally thinking the worst as the tumour had grown so much which I have just had removed … However being practical it had about 12 weeks to establish itself before my treatment started. 
    I think I need to be patient and wait for my next round of scans … the oncologist showed me my last scans which highlights the cancer and why I’m experiencing pain in my lower back as it’s likely to be effecting my siatic nerve . 

    take care xx

    M. Marsden

  • I'm glad to read that your pain team nurse has prescribed you with some more pain relief and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that it does the trick.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Latchbrook, I'm sorry to hear about your breast cancer.  I'm hoping you've got a lot a support on your side hon.  It's mighty unfair for you to go through the trauma of the melanoma diagnosis and now have to face this.  I hope everything is going well for you and that the doctors and nurse specialists are looking after you. Hearts

  • Hi Sun, immunotherapy has made a huge difference to us melanoma people hon. Only today during my Pembro treatment another patient told me about his brother who got diagnosed with a bowel melanoma lesion years ago and the trials for immunotherapy had only just begun. He got accepted into one and is still here to tell the tale so please keep hope in your heart. Xx

  • Hi  and 

    Thank you both for your well wishes. I have to admit that it came as such a shock to have got to 5 years clear with melanoma only to be told I now have breast cancer and I'm now back on the cancer treadmill!

    I have an appointment with the oncologist next Wednesday to find out when chemotherapy starts. Whilst I'm certainly not looking forward to it I just want to get on with it as soon as possible, which I'm sure you'll both understand.

    Keeping everything crossed for us all.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"