Evening lovely people :)

  • 2 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Hi to you all

I'm just wanted to introduce myself , my name is Jo and was diagnosed a couple of months ago with T3/4 8mm deep aggresive Melanoma .

  I am really looking foward to starting my BRAF treatment (I have the mutated BRAF gene) in the next couple of weeks after my ECG results come through. I wanted the Immunotherapy therapy but because I also have MS this wasn't an option for me as I am taking Immunosuppresants for that and it would send me bonkers Slight smile

I was anyone else had such a deep Melanoma before and how are you getting on? 

I do hope who ever you are that you are doing well and being positive xx

  • Just sending love. I don't really have much else to add as my Melanoma was stage 2 and just waiting on biopsy results now so not reall going through treatment, just surgery recovery. I'm sure others will give you more info on this forum.


  • Hi 

    Hope you are ok. My melanoma was 4.5mm which the hospital told me was ‘on the deep side.’ I decided to have targeted therapy  - I am BRAF positive - and finished my year of Dab/Tram treatment in December. All was ok, I struggled with fatigue but the hopsital were very good. I have just had results for clear scans - first since completing treatment.

    Take things day by day and look after yourself, tell your team any side effects and by taking things day by day it amazing how quickly the year goes. 
