Pea like Lump at the bottom of the scar

  • 3 replies
  • 57 subscribers
  • Hello all I'm probably overthinking I guess a new diagnosis can do that you so I'm 4 weeks post mole removal wle due on the 24th. my scar (upper right back) has a slight lump at the bottom and my toenail has developed a cream spot on the side.  I think I'm having a whole body check on the 24th which is a relief but wondered if everyone now notices everything and anything?
  • Hi

    I think the quick answer to your question is that yes, we all notice any new spot or change to our skins. It's probably because we are so much more aware of what a 'spot' could be than we were before our diagnosis.

    You could give your SCNS a call and tell her about the areas that you've noticed and she can arrange for you to see your consultant to get them checked if necessary. My consultant always reminds me that if I find something that concerns me in between my check-ups then to speak to the SCNS.

    Hopefully there'll be nothing amiss but it pays to be vigilant Slight smile

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  • Hello my op was 2 months ago now and I've still got a lump at the base of my scar too. I was advised to gently massage the area with bio oil