Friends reactions to melanoma

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  • 58 subscribers

After having a mole removed and being told it was melanoma-luckily it has been caught early and I  am waiting for a WLE, I have been surprised by others peoples reactions to it. Family have been supportive as waiting for the results as many know is a very anxious time, however others have been quite dismissive such as:

‘The moles gone, you’ll be fine now.’

’It was only a little mole wasn’t it’

’It always happens to nice people!!’

I think unless you’ve been through this process and had to deal with all the anxiety both mentally and physically, it’s difficult for others to understand. It’s certainly changed my attitude and hope I have more empathy towards others going through difficult times. 

  • Hi Rosie, pleased to hear that your melanoma was caught in the early stages.  

    You are so right, most people do think "it's out and you're fine" but sadly that's not always true.  It's a sneaky disease and can spring back up sometimes.  Also of course not all melanomas are caused by the sun either and that's a confusing one as most of the hype and info in social media concentrate on those types.  However it's a start.  Hope your WLE goes well and your scar is minimal.  I'm sure as you will have more empathy now, after being scared initially with the diagnosis and now being relieved at the staging being very early plus most likely some googling!   You have sadly a totally new insight into this horrible disease and will also not lie around in the sun much anymore. Always use sun cream. I lived in Oz for five years and loved their "slip slap slop" campaign.   Take care x

  • Hi Rosie, that is exactly how I was back in 2003 when I had it ! My attitude was the same as your friends, in fact it didn’t change until someone I worked with died from melanoma. I always thought you couldn’t die from it….. yes completely ignorant I know, but there wasn’t a great deal of information around back then!

    It is a stressful time when you’re waiting for results but it’s great that you have a supportive family.

    hope it all goes well for you x