Nodular Melanoma WLE and SNB this week

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In mid 2020 i noticed a mole growing on the face (right cheek). It was itchy and bleed very badly if I caught it. Due to Covid I couldn't see the GP face to face, so sent images and had a phone appointment. The GP didn't think there was anything to worry about, so I left it until Jan this year. This time the GP refereed me to the hospital.

I saw the dermatologist who confirmed straight away they thought it was cancer. I had a biopsy in Feb and waited for the results. I had a look at images similar to my mole and thought it was probably a basal cell cancer. I was very shocked to be told it was a Nodular malignant  melanoma. I've seen the consultant who said it's a stage 2 cancer but could change depending on the results after the WLE and SNB.

I've got the surgery this week and have no idea what I'll look like after 'facial reconstruction' I'm sure it sounds worse than It is, well that's I keep telling myself. Any experience of this would be very useful if anyone is willing to share.

More importantly, it's the still not knowing if its spread, that's what I'm worrying about all the time. Everything I've read says that it needs to caught early to get good results, I've been living with mine for a couple of years, so naturally very concerned it would have spread.

Any advise would be  appreciated

  • Hi x my melanoma was also in my face ( eyebrow) so I can relate x I didn’t need the flap surgery though so my scar runs from my eyelid to nearly my forehead so it’s quite big but the saying scars heal is very true. I am nearly 10 months since I got my WLE and I have learnt to live with the scar x The SLNB was from my left ear so the scar there is not noticeable at all x good luck x 

  • Hi Amccl, Thank you for your reply and glad your positive with how yours is healing. I'm hopeful I'll feel the same once I've had mine done and out the way.

    Many thanks

  • Sending you best wishes xx