WLE and SLNB done at last!

  • 6 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Just an update after a long 6 month wait I finally had my WLE and SLNB done Friday. At last!! I had one lymph node in my groin (not right in the groin a little further down) and the WLE just above my knee. Not sure how many stitches or what it looks like covered now until a week tomorrow. Not too bad I’ve only taken one lot of paracetamol. Ok it’s sore and stiff but not too bad. Top of my leg and the pubic area is all Colours! Very arty! I’ve not had a purple lady garden before lol. Very swollen going to wee is interesting as it goes a different way! Sorry if that’s too much information! Wasn’t warned about that one! 
I had it done by spinal anaesthetic which was amazing. Chatted to all throughout and not one side effect. Was done at 9 in the morning and was home by 6 including the 35 mile drive home. The hospital was outstanding. All staff could not do enough for you and everything they did they explained fully to me and made sure I was happy with what they were going to do. I even got to choose the music they had in theatre!!

so feet up now for 2 weeks but they have said a little exercise throughout the day but don’t go mad. I was extremely concerned about lymphodema prior to the op as the literature I was sent was very depressing and made me feel my life was not going to be the same again and I would not be able to carry on in the job I love. Very well meaning literature but could have been a little more glass half full rather than empty. Talking to the plastic surgeon he put my mind a lot more at ease. And having only one node removed I have a big fingers crossed. And he says if it does happen they can address it.

Finally, my nuclear scan was eventful for anyone who likes a laugh. There I was 25 minutes into the scan watching the timer on the screen counting down. Next minute alarms everywhere. Is that me did I touch something? No a fire alarm in the building! The lovely lady doing my scan threw my shoes at me we have to get out NOW! So there I am out in the cold air in the hospital gown that shows your bum (thankfully she let me grab my coat) while we had to wait for the fire brigade to come to check the building. It was a member of staff who burnt his toast!!! At least I got to finish the scan afterwards. 

  • Hi

    That's great to hear that you've finally had your WLE and your SLNB and that you're not feeling too uncomfortable.

    I have to admit that my time in the nuclear medicine department wasn't as interesting as yours!

    I'll be keeping everything crossed for a clear results from both your ops. Was there any particular reason they were done using a spinal anaesthetic? It certainly sounds preferable to a general.


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  • Thank you Heart️yes I opted for the spinal as I get SVT arrhythmia. Very seldom touch wood. I had it done in Swansea and they started using more of it during covid. I read about it online and asked if I could have it. They did give me a long list of things that may cause side affects and did I want to proceed. Thankfully I had none. A muzzy head day after and I woke last night with a headache but that’s it. Mind you my blood pressure was very high but he wasn’t concerned thank goodness. X

  • This did make me chuckle tonight. Well done for getting through an eventful time!! And good luck with your results xx 

  • JannAA, I'm loving your humour. A purple lady garden!Laughing

    More importantly you've had the op, thank goodness as you've waited such a long time hon. What an adventure you've had in the nuclear medicine dept, no boring life with you around!  So rest up, enjoy all that telly you don't normally watch and distract yourself from the wait for results.     Take care x

  • Thank you! And by the way it’s still a nice shade of lilac lol xx