Phone calls

  • 10 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Have returned from alottment to find 3 missed calls from my oncology team. Had usual three monthly scans last week. Anxiety levels raised!

  • FormerMember

    Are you able to phone them tomorrow? Fingers crossed it's just routine. Big hug from me, let me know xxxxxPanda face

    Panda face

  • All worry relieved I think. Was the consultant's secretary I hope trying to change a phone call appointment!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Alottment lover

    Phew that's a relief!!! A calmer night tonight then!

    Take care xxxx

  • Ah Alottment Lover I have been looking out for your update all day - relieved to read this !

  • Phew, that's good news.  Amazing how the mind conjures up all sorts of weird and not so wonderful possibilities.

  • Thanks all of you for thinking of me, I feel usually I've got it all under control then this happens and I am a nervous wreck!  The secretary rang back on the number I have for her and the phone call date was changed to tomorrow but I forgot to tell her what had happened.  My oncologist consultant is a really good person and she'll have a laugh with me over it.  I guess there's lots of extensions in the oncology dept to ring from!  Take care and thanks once again xx

  • Hi pleased yr phone call was ok in the end and that your ok… I start my Pembro today so keeping everything crossed

    kind regards sun

    M. Marsden

  • Hello Sun, how was your first dose,?  How were the staff?   I've had 10 so far. Constipation (I know -- too much info!) Arthritis in my finger joints, some aching in all my joints and increasing tiredness as the doses go on but...all 3 monthly scans clear so far.  The whole thing does get easier, you get used to the treatments and the whole process becomes routine so you can begin to slot your normal life back in soon.  Good luck Sun and take care xx

  • Hi Allotment lover

    There was a mix up with the consent form so waited a long time for it to be sorted… at one stage I didn’t think they were going to let me have the treatment but a duty doctor from another hospital authorised it after calling me . The staff  were brilliant and the nurse sat with me the whole time and really reassured me … So far iv not had any problems and don’t know if it’s my imagination but feel much more awake today and done more around the home . 

    the nurse said it would probably be a couple of months before experiencing any side effects but the Pembro is usually well tolerated. She gave me anti sickness tablets and tablets for a bad belly ( Joyrry can’t spell D……) .. not needed so far .

    Not sure what to expect, but do you start to feel different at the start. I have pain at the bottom of my back but that was already there. I also feel more clear headed today, which I’m pleased about but not sure if that’s just a coincidence. 

    Its brilliant news your scans are clear and encouraging to hear. You must be so relieved.

    kind regards Sun

    M. Marsden

  • Hi Sun, well done you on getting through the first treatment!  Especially with the confusion about the consent form, scary. I'm so glad you were looked after.  I hope you are proud of yourself for getting this far in the process, maybe that's a good reason for feeling more clear headed.  It's reason enough !  Time to relax now and have a treat for yourself, enjoy your weekend, hope you have sunshine brightening your days.x