Immunotherapy- ongoing response

  • 2 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Hi All,

I just wanted to post an update on my journey as an encouragement to others as I know it helped me in those dark places just after diagnosis.

I’ve had a near 7 year journey with this disease from the prime being misdiagnosed then finally removed too late in 2015, a left neck lymph node clearance & radiotherapy, a spread to my lungs, targeted therapy for nearly 3 years then a recurrence in my lungs 2 years ago at the start of lockdown which led to immunotherapy.

I had one dose of dual immunotherapy in March 29 before Covid risks meant it was followed by 3 doses of Nivo only before I had to stop due to side effects (stomach bloating).

I was fortunate to have a strong response, with reducing nodule size in the June 20 scan, only traces in Sept 20, and a complete response in Mar 21. Aug 21 showed on ongoing complete response, as has my latest Mar 22 scan.

I’m by no means out of the woods yet, as I need to get to 3 years clear before the risk of recurrence further reduced. Yet it’s as good as it can be at this stage and I hope this can encourage others in darker parts of their battle.

  • Hi Tarilan

    tbank you for posting your journey it certainly gives encouragement. I am due to start my treatment on 8th April as my cancer has spread to my spine … it’s so nice to read a success story as I no how daunting this horrible journey can be .

    kind regards Sun

    M. Marsden

  • Thank you for posting a positive post I am so pleased to read your doing so well x I am due dose 7 of 9 ( pembro) so neatly there I hope x