New patient

  • 3 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hullo.  I am rather nervous about writing, but have been encouraged to do so.

I have a melanoma on my scalp.  The Registrar said that it would be excised 21/2cms all round, with the possibility of further surgery.  He said that local anaesthetic was the method of choice, though sometimes GA is used.

I have every faith in them and have endeavoured to approach it all pragmatically.  Respiratory tests are tomorrow & anaethetist interview on Wednesday.  My date & time for surgery came through today for the following week.

Now I am anxious, with it approaching fast.  I am worried about being obliged to have a GA & kept in, as that will be complicated at my age - not least because I have spinal stenosis & R.A. and rely heavily on morning floor exercises.  Maybe they have lighter, less deep anaesthesia for some procedures?  I shall ask.

In this worst-case scenario, with COPD maybe I will fail the respiratory as I did for the proposed spinal surgery last year...then local anaesthetic will be used.

As you can see, I am at the beginning of my journey, and would very much like to hear from anyone who has experienced the same as me.

I send every possible good wish to you all Four leaf cloverFour leaf clover

  • Welcome to the forum, Saltmarsh.

  • Hello Saltmarsh, just popping in to say hello, I can not be of as much help as could potentially be as I can see from their profile they had a mole removed from near their ear. In contrast I have never had a primary melanoma found, just surgery for lymph nodes that have had melanoma in them. I have lots of experience of waiting though for procedures and results so I hope you have a good strategy to make the time not drag so much as it often does.

    Take care KT

  • Many thanks to both you and scott88 for replying.

    Thank you KF for relating your history in full detail.  It will be a reference point for many of us.

    But I have to commiserate with your suffering over this long period.  And send my condolences on the loss of your husband, who also suffered a long illness xx