Overcoming skin problems on dabrafenib and tramatnib?

  • 5 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Hi everyone - my husband had just been advised to stop his dabrafenib and tramatnib targettted treatment after he came out in  lots of red skin lesions all around his trunk.

He’s stage 3B and has had a WLE and one lymph node removed. He’s been on D&T since December 2021 and this is the first side effect he’s had during the last three months. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so do you have any tips to share?

He’s been told to take a break from the tablets for a few weeks to see if it improves, and to use E45 cream (and a low dose steroid cream if it gets worse). Any other suggestions? 

Thank you! 

  • Hi

    I don't have any experience with dabrafenib and trametinib but noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list where hopefully someone with experience of these drugs and similar side effects to your husband may see it and respond.

    While you're waiting for replies you could search the previous posts in the group to look for a similar side effect. The easiest way of doing this is to use the search facility at the top of the screen.

    I hope these lesions quickly go and your husband can resume his treatment.


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  • HI Joolskigirl, sounds like your husband has had advice from his team and it would be risky for us to add any more in case its not appropriate. I haven't had any skin problems on Dabrafenib or on my current Encorafanib and Binimetenib, but from being on here for several years the advice is very standard and hopefully will work soon. keeping away from any perfumed products is the only other advice I recall. When I was on pembro as its an immunotherapy rather than a targeted therapy I was advised to take antihistamine tablets (the ones for hay fever and other allergies) so you could make enquiries with his team about that, or what your hubby is doing may be sufficient.

    Take care KT

  • Thanks  - appreciate your response and anti-histamines have been mentioned too! 

  • Hi joolskigirl . My partner has been on the same drugs since Dec 2021 too. He has problems with his skin too, very itchy legs and face very sore forehead red and angry similar to sunburn, he has been given antihistamine, aqueous cream and an oatmeal cream. Epimax this was about 10 days ago. Saw a dermatologist yesterday and he advised to continue with creams. My partner was advised to stop the drug 18 days ago just for the weekend but not because of skin this was for high temperature and very low blood pressure. He stopped for 5 days and back on, he’s waiting to hear back from oncologist this week to see if they are dropping the dose will also depend on his blood results as his white cells have been low. Hopefully your partners skin calms down after the break. X

  • Thanks for sharing your partners experience  - much appreciated and hope your partner feels better soon. Rash not going down much as yet but presumably it takes time to subside. Thankfully his white cells and blood pressure have been fine so counting our blessings for that anyway. The itching isn’t so bad which is good news. Not sure what this means in the longer term, maybe they’ll have to reduce his dose but we’ll see! Thanks again x