Aching my WLE scar

  • 2 replies
  • 58 subscribers


in 2019 I was diagnosed with stage 1 melanoma 0.44 mm I had WLE and the recommended check ups. I have now been discharged for over a year.
Recently I have noticed a dull ache in my leg around where the WLE scar is. It’s not all of the time just occasionally, my scar is on the side of my thigh towards my knee so obviously in an area that is used a lot so I am hoping it is tissue or nerves relating to the WLE but just unsure if I should be concerned?

no lymph nodes are raised and there are no lumps or bumps around the area. 

has anyone else experienced slight pain a few years after the WLE?

  • Hi

    My WLE was on my arm and 5 years ago now. I very occasionally get the odd twinge in it but not what I'd describe as a dull ache.

    I know how worrying it can be when you notice an ache or pain especially around the area that the melanoma was removed from. Pre-diagnosis we probably wouldn't have thought anything of it but post-diagnosis we all worry that it might in some way be connected. Probably the best thing to do would be to talk through your concerns with your GP, as you've been discharged from dermatology, and take it from there. 

    Do pop back and let us know how you get on.


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  • I was getting sensations in my WLE scar in my calf about 5 months post-surgery (so not so deferred as yours). The more I thought about it the more paranoid I got and I became very sensitised to every little itch, or twinge. I was feeling it a lot for lumps and bumps which I think was making it even more tender and it was playing on my mind all the time. I was feeling similar sensations that I did when my mole was there. I tried being mindful of all the other sensations I feel around my body to reassure myself that it’s just coincidental to have a feeling in my scar occasionally too but I couldn’t shake the worry. I ended up getting an appointment with my dermatology nurse and she had a look and did a full mole check whilst I was there. Her opinion was my leg is still healing and there was nothing to worry about. Having been reassured, I’m much less paranoid now and not as tuned in to all the little sensations I get there. I’d recommend going to get it checked out, just to put your mind at rest if nothing else. You’ll either get something picked up early or give your mental health a boost by alleviating the concern, either way it’s a win-win situation to go get it checked out.