Wle Wednesday

  • 7 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Afternoon forum

so got the call last week to come in this week for wle of in situ melanoma on abdomen. Not nervous about the surgery as I know that’s all I will need. My only concern is it’s exactly 2 years since my first invasive melanoma. Wonder in my head why another has appeared. Normally fine but have felt alone on this, even though I have fantastic people around me. Most people say don’t worry it’s only a little excision, really don’t think they get how nervous having 2 has made me feel.



  • Hi Andrew

    I can understand your nervousness. My first melanoma was 2012  minor surgery. In 2016, I had a radical vulvectomy because it came back with a vengeance. Now I'm about to have third surgery, potentially loss of bladder and bowel. Melanoma is a tricky thing. Trust in the doctors and your support circle. 

    Fingers crossed for you.

  • thank you for taking the time out to respond. Will also keep fingers crossed for your situation.



  • Hi 46 male, sorry to hear you've got to have a WLE and you're nervous. I'm sure we'd all feel the same especially if it could be a recurrence.  I re-read your profile and saw you'd had two different kinds of melanoma diagnosed but I couldn't remember what you'd previously said about having any adjuvant treatment two years ago. Did you have some immunotherapy then?

    People do say "don't worry" and they mean well but they have no idea of the implications of a recurrence unless they've been through this themselves. 

    There's not much I can say to ease your worries Andrew. All I can say is we're here for you mate, good and bad times and all the bits in-between.   Am I right in thinking that an in situ melanoma is all contained, no spreading to lymph etc? That's a positive thing about this for you.

    Hold on to the positive bits if you can and run with them, recover quickly from the op and surge on with living and enjoying your life.  Take care x

  • Hi allotment 

    I was staged 2a , so never had adjuvant therapy. My slnb was negative but had that 4 months later after wle. 
    The latest one is on lower abdomen whereas previous one was on upper back. Least this new one is very early so surgery is enough.

    Not sure if it’s classed as a new primary melanoma.



  • Hi Andrew

    I just wondered how you are doing and if you got answers to this new melanoma. I know you were wondering if this would be classed as a new melanoma.

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  • To Beniciam: Oh, lovely, what a lot you are going through - dear love you...  But you are so right, the medics know their stuff & are highly specialised.  I have a melanoma on my scalp which I underand is aggressive, but I will take it all as it comes as best I can and trust in them.  Love & best wishes to you & Andrew Love letter

  • Hi latchbrook

    had wle on melanoma in situ. Have had follow up yet . Think they are putting it down to a new primary. Think they just tray it as if it was first melanoma.


