I am in a pickle

  • 29 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

I am currently waiting for the date for my WLE and SLNB for the mole removal 18th November (stage 1b). As I had that done privately due to the urgency I wasn't assigned a cancer nurse. I was then referred back to the NHS for the WLE etc . I do feel a bit lost to be honest but that's partly me who hates not knowing, would just like a date then could settle down and aim for that but a point of contact would help a lot.

The "pickle " bit....I felt the itching again (like before) on my other shoulder blade. I got my husband to take a photo...it sure is an ugly duckling of a mole so definitely needs investigation. I am trying to avoid Google but it's a bit like Pandora's box!

I do have a patient number so will try and speak to the hospital direct tomorrow. I hope to be able to explain the background.

So here I am on one of the downs of melanoma. I am getting paranoid as well being fair skinned and covered in freckles and moles. I guess we all go through that as well.

  • Hi Anne thanks for your response on my thread it won't let me reply to it for some reason. So when you originally got the mole removed did they say to you they believed it to be melanoma? That's all I have had going round my head for 27 days! Please let us know how you get on..I would definitely contact the hospital direct and explain your concerns with this further mole and it may chase up your WLE and SNLB in the process fingers crossed xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Buddie21

    Hi Buddie21,

    It was me fiddling with settings....I can see why I don't have a Facebook account!!

    My profile covers a lot of the background but ...due to the delay from me first being aware of the mole I got myself in a right state and even waiting two weeks seemed too long. I saw a consultant privately and even at that first meeting he told me it needed removing urgently as he would be "amazed" if it wasn't melanoma. He wrote to my GP saying it was highly suspicious, needed removing and he felt that I had had it since 2019.

    By coincidence I saw him the following week for my NHS appt. At that appointment he said that it was melanoma and tried to get one of the team to remove it that day (that scared me witless, hearing him knock on doors asking if anyone could fit me in). It would have been four weeks wait to have it removed by the NHS. To be honest I was so frazzled I dug into savings and got him to remove it privately the following week. 

    I was ok with him giving me the results over the phone (I could have gone to see him) as I don't live in the city. So I had known from the start in a way that it was melanoma so was as prepared as you can be (still that slight maybe it isn't in your mind).

    Well it was melanoma and is stage 1b and the journey has started. 

    I do understand what you have and are going through with worry. I am not normally a worrier and am seen as the strong one in the family. This waiting etc has knocked me sideways and I have had the sleepless nights, not eating, mind not switching off all new unpleasant experiences for me! Mind you I didn't help myself with obsessive googling....then I found this site and it helped so much.

    Hang on in there tomorrow is the day! Whatever the news you will know where you are. Xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Buddie21

    Hi Buddie21,

    I have fiddled with my settings so not sure what I have done...let's see if this posts.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Buddie21,

    Yippee it seems to have worked so I shall try and answer you again!

    My profile gives you a bit of my background so following on from that.

    Due to the length of time I had probably had this awful mole 2cm in width on my shoulder blade, when my GP did the 2WW referral as he "suspected" skin cancer it seemed too long to wait. I saw a consultant privately (he crosses between private and NHS like so many do), at that meeting he told me upfront he would be "amazed" if it wasn't melanoma...by coincidence I saw him the following week for my NHS appt. At that appointment he said " it is melanoma you know that" he then knocked on doors in the corridor trying to see if someone could fit me in there and then. That scared me witless I can tell you! The indication was that the NICE quidelines would be met and that the removal would be done in four weeks. I was a frazzled wreck so dug into savings and he removed it privately the following week. He was really good and I am grateful to him.

    I arranged that he would phone me with the results. I could have gone to see him in person but I don't live in the city. Yes it was (and is) melanoma which I was prepared for (as much as you can be) stage 1b. That bit was a relief as I had done myself no favours obsessing on Google. Finding this forum has helped me so much.

    So I do understand what you are going through,the sleepless nights, the mind not shutting off, not eating the full range! A new unpleasant experience for me as I am the "strong" one in the family who sorts everyone else out. 

    Hang on in there one more night and tomorrow you will know! Please let me know how you get on.


  • Thanks Anne. I definitely will let you know. I had a 2ww appointment which ended up at 4 weeks. Went to Dermatologist she looked at it and straight away said this is melanoma and its coming out in the morning. She asked if I had anyone with me and basically said I'm sorry this is melanoma and I don't like where it is because of your neck and amount of lymph nodes (meanwhile I'm beating myself up as it appeared in Jan as far as I can remember but I didn't get it checked ). the next day she removed it she said again I strongly believe it's melaonma. December has been a blur I just want this wait over and it nearly is. Thanks for listening to me off load I really appreciate  x x 

  • And please make sure you contact the hospital tomorrow regarding yours! Let me know how you get on xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Buddie21

    Hi Buddie21,

    I hope today works out as best as it can for you. I phoned the hospital to tell them about the new mole. I explained I am waiting to hear about the WLE and SLNB which was discussed at the MDT meeting w/c 29th November. I am sat here in shock to find out there is no record of me on the waiting list for the operation. I have waited 5 weeks expecting to get an appointment that was never going to happen. They are investigating and getting back to me sometime today. I am stunned......

  • That is shocking - so glad you chased the appointment up though - hopefully they will bump you up the list and see you as soon as possible. I hope they manage to regain your trust as it seems so important to be able to trust the team to get you through this. Sending you lots of virtual hugs while you wait for them to call 

  • Anne

    So glad you called them up. Let me know what they say when they get back to you they best sort it out ASAP! 1 hour till my appointment....

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Buddie21

    Big hug from me not long now x