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I had my WLE begining of October my scar is healing well  I have been back for my review and I need no further treatment. I do however have to go back every 3 month for the next year to see my consultant. My WLE was on my neck so I was told they will only check my face and neck. I am very anxious about this as I have other moles on other parts of my body that I am concerned about. Just looking for some advice on who I should see about these? Should I go back to the doctor? 

  • Hi

    That's good news that your WLE scar is healing well and even better news that after having this op you don't need any further treatment!

    Seeing a consultant every 3 months for a check-up is standard for anyone who has had a melanoma diagnosis. When is your first appointment?

    My melanoma was on my arm but when I go for a check-up every inch of my body is looked at. I've been examined by several different consultants over the years and not one has ever only examined my arm because that was where the melanoma was. I think you'll find that you'll be completely looked over too but check with your SCNS for peace of mind.

    Your consultant should have told you that if you are ever worried about anything in between your check-ups to contact your SCNS. I have had to do this a couple of times and have been seen by my consultant within a couple of days. So, as I imagine you don't have your first check-up before the beginning of next year, give your SCNS a call tomorrow and tell her about these moles that you're worried about.


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  • Hi Jalc123,

    Is it possible that there was a misunderstanding on the subject? Worth to clarify with your nurse. 

    After two weeks I had my WLE, I had my check with plastics consultant. Than she said she'll see me again in 6weeks. And both times she only checked the operation area to see the healing, maybe that's what they meant for you too? After 6 weeks, she discharged me to my local hospitals dermatology consultant care and they gave me an appointment for usual 3 month checks for skin and lymph nodes. 

  • Hi latchbrook thank you for your reply 

    I haven't had an exact date yet but was told my first appointment  should be in Feb sometime.

    I may sound dumb here  but can I ask what a SCNS is? I've never heard of this term.

    I was told by my consultant that if I was worried between visits to contact them but I've never been given a number directly to speak to someone I tend to ring my hospital and get put through to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery department and speak to my consultants secretary.

    He did say that they would check one if I was worried but would not check my whole body as they deal with face and neck.

  • Hi

    SCNS stands for skin cancer nurse specialist. Anyone who has been diagnosed with melanoma should be assigned one as they are your first port of call if you find something concerning between your three monthly check-ups. 

    If you haven't been given the contact number for yours then you could ring your consultant dermatologist's secretary and she should be able to tell you the nurse's name and contact number.

    Are you sure it's the oral and maxillofacial surgery department who will be doing your check-ups as skin check-ups are normally done by a dermatologist?


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  • Hi elmyra thank you for your reply. 

    I've not seen a plastic Consultant, a lady who was a plastic consultant  came round to see me on the day of my WLE but I've not seen her since. I went back 7 weeks after my WLE to see the consultant who gave me my results origionally. And he said that it will be him or the other consultant who did my biopsy who I will see when ireturn every 3months for check ups.

    I know not all is the same for everyone but I'm feeling very anxious as this is my first time being diagnosed with melanoma and I just thought that I would get a full body check for some reason 

  • Hi Jalc123, 

    I didn't see any info regarding your mole size and staging, but as per NICE guidelines (NHS England follows), if you are stage 1 and above they have to give you full body checks in regular intervals. Only for stage 0 (I believe that is called melanoma in situ) , you are not checked by consultant but they show you how to do self examination. Could this be the case for you?

    I am putting the link here you can have a look and also can ask your nurse/consultant for clarification citing this. Click on the "follow up" part. 

    Initially my nurse said that I'll have 6 monthly checks, but I had stage 1b and guideline says should be every 3months. So I wasn't happy and emailed the consultant to clarify this. And they confirmed it will be done every 3months and gave a date for my first one. I don't know if that nurse gave me the wrong info or if I was overwhelmed and didn't get it right, but at the end it was corrected.

    Hope this helps.

  • I have been diagnosed with stage 1a. Thank you for the link that's very kind of you, j will take a look. I agree about being overwhelmed there is so much to take in, I feel confident when I go to the hospital tgen after coming away I few days later I start questioning everything and  and I'm a over thinker which doesn't help.

    Thanks again

    Stay safe and god bless 

  • Hi 

    I was wondering how you are doing today and whether you've managed to find out who your assigned skin cancer nurse specialist (SCNS) is yet?

    Like Elmyra has suggested, I'm also wondering if there has been a bit of a miscommunication with you about your three monthly check-ups.

    After my WLE and SLNB I went back to see the plastic surgeon who did them for him to check the wounds and give me my results. Now his primary qualification was as a breast surgeon, who happened to also specialise in sentinel lymph node biopsies (SLNB), but when he told me that I'd now be followed up for 5 years he didn't mean followed up by the breast cancer team but with the dermatology team.


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