Immunotherapy and travel Heath insurance.

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  • 57 subscribers

Hello. I am new to the group. My partner is being treated for Grave’s disease and the resulting Thyroid eye disease was put on immunosuppressants. An very old spot (from an previous injury) on his arm started looking more raised. As this was during lockdown, he was told to photo shot it and send it in. His GP said nothing to worry about. Finally the raised scab came off in the shower one day and would not stop bleeding. I expect you can guess the next parts….five surgical procedures and many scans later…another spot removed from face and lymph notes under arm…he is cancer free as far as the medical world is concerned. But they gave him the option of immunotherapy and he accepted. Now because of this we find that we are completely unable to attain ANY travel health insurance. I am American and have not seen my son in over two years. We hoped to go home for Christmas. It seems the British insurance companies are completely punitive. We don’t even want any kind of Cancer coverage. But they won’t sell just normal emergency coverage. If he were American he could get coverage for up to $25,000 emergency medical for $135.00. We literally can’t find ANYTHING here at all and on the rare occasion that it looks like it MIGHT cover, the rates are around £4000. Apparently this means that we can never go to America together again…where our summer home is. This is insane…ALL because he accepted the immunotherapy! Had he simply not and chosen to wait for it to reappear, apparently there would be no problem!

  • Hi and a warm welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to read what a difficult time you're having obtaining reasonably priced travel insurance so I thought I'd suggest that you join the travel insurance group where you can see recommendations from others who have successfully obtained insurance.

    Clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there where you can join in the same way as you did here. Once you've joined look for the thread called 'recommended travel insurance' where you'll find lots of recommendations. 

    Another option for finding travel insurance is the Travel Insurance Directory which has been created by MoneyHelper (a separate organisation to Macmillan).  The directory can be used to search for FCA approved travel insurers who may offer cover to people with pre-existing medical conditions. The link below will take you to their directory.  

    Most people recommend that you phone the insurance companies rather than try and do online quotes as often at the end of the online quote it will tell you to phone the company and you'll then have to go through all the information again. Also sometimes the broker can refer to the underwriters to see if they would provide cover when an online quote might just give you a straight refusal. 

    I do hope you can get some reasonably priced insurance so that you can book your planned trip to America.

    Do pop back and let us know how you get on.


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