fatigue on dabrafenib and tramatnib

  • 14 replies
  • 61 subscribers

Hi all. been on dabrafenib and trametnib for the past 6 months had bit of a hard time at first,High temperature hot cold sweats and shivers and fatigue. After a few adjustments of the medication got  the high temperature and shiver under control. But im Still suffering from fatigue badly I feel its got worse over the past 9 weeks I would be nice to hear if anyone else has had the same problems on these drugs thanks.

  • Hi Peter it was the same for me went clear after 30 months on took 9 months to  energy back but clear for a year now so hang on in it worked for me in the end.

    Best of luck Mick.

  • Hi yes I had similar side effects when I took these drugs. I ended up in hospital for one night with a very high temperature. Often I felt very cold .The shivers were rather severe and at the time I hadn’t read about that side effect. I am now on Nivolumab and find this much easier to tolerate. I was tired with the first drugs but now only a day or so after the Nivolumab treatment. I wish you well and hope you soon feel better. 

  • Hi, i'm into my fourth month on dab/tram after being diagnosed with metastatic melanoma in my right lung and lymph nodes of that lung. After the first month, felt great but had to have the Dabrafenib halved due to an issue with my heart. Second month check my heart was back to normal so went back on full dose, 2 days later was in hospital with fever & chills. Only stayed in 24 hours, suffered really bad joint aches for 5 days after then back to normal, just the odd chills now and then but paracetamol sorts it out.

    Had my first 3 month scan a few weeks ago and I was over the moon that it confirmed that my lung is now clear Slight smile  I'm aware that this is probably temporary but who knows?

    Whilst waiting to start treatment i did suffer a collapsed lung and had to have a pleurodisis operation but it did the job and i have no more fluid build up, just a bit of tightness.

    Not sure if it's helping me but i've researched a lot on what I can do to support the treatment. I'm on a mainly plant based (organic where possible) diet, drink Essiac tea twice a day, take certain supplements, try and avoid putting chemicals on my skin or into me, have an organic veg/fruit juice every day and keep myself fit.  Every little helps I think.

    Good luck with your treatment, i hope the side effects pass.

  • Hi Angela, I'm new to this group and starting dabrafenib and trametinib today, worried sbout side effects, also have you had hair loss? Any advice greatly appreciated, thanks Jane xx

  • Hi Jane, I’m on the last week of a year long on these. I’ll be honest the first 5 months was tuff .high temperatures shivers and feeling terrible. My oncology made adjustments firstly the reduced the dosage what made is better slightly, then they only made me take them 5 days a week that was a big help. The only thing was I still had the fatigue just found I need to pace myself. As for the hair let’s just say it’s not a thing I had to worry about Joy. I wish you all the best I sure you will smash it take care x

  • Hi Jane i’ve been on this combination for one month now and up until last night no affects at all. Last night the rigours started and although I felt cold my temperature soared to over 40°, needless to say at that temperature they admitted to the hospital lots of fluids antibiotics just in case paracetamol IV and I was sorted and allowed home. I will be taking a short holiday now for five days before restarting the medication good luck with your journey

  • Well done fir nearly completing your year, feeling ever do slightly envious! Thanks for the honest response!

  • Hi thanks for your response, this seems to be a common side effect. Is there a reason you decided against immunotherapy? I was very undecided.

  • Hi Jane, I am new to this group and will be starting dabrafenib and trametinib on Friday.  Completely overwhelmed by the whole thing.  I hope you don't mind me asking how you have got on with the start of your treatment? I really hope it is going well for you. Emma x