Back pain

  • 4 replies
  • 57 subscribers

I really have fear of sounding like I’m paranoid. I’ve had discomfort in my lower back for a while - worse at night. I’ve had aches and pains before with back and neck but stopped medication I was prescribed in Feb.

it’s getting worse and really painful. I wake up during th night in agony - never like ever before - last week I collected the repeat prescription for the medication I used to be on but I’ve not taken it as now I worry (after stage 1 diagnosis early this month) that it may have something to do with the melanoma and I also have WLE next week. After telling them I don’t take medication I don’t want to confuse matters.

Should I get in touch with my key worker to discuss? Do I just make a gp appointment and deal with it separately? Is this going to happen every time I have another bother, that I  wonder if it’s related? I hate to sound like I’m overreacting but then, thank goodness I was so vigilant going to gp in the first place when I got the diagnosis… just not sure anymore.

  • Hi Rob80, I think we all feel we get a bit paranoid sometimes, and I think the medics except and feel we have good reason to feel like that, but that doesn’t mean that nothing is wrong and that we don’t need to contact them. 

    It sounds like you want/need to contact your keyworker to advise that you are about to start some new medication that you hadn’t declared previously and that they might need to advise you, I’m thinking do you need to have a break in meds around the op ?? And to tell her how you are wondering if it’s related to melanoma even though you’ve had this pain before.Im no medic but don’t think they will feel you are confusing things.

    They may then say contact your GP re the pain and your reluctance to take the tablets as if it’s got nothing to do with melanoma how can they advise. I’ve never had back pain, but my husband gets it especially when he’s been anxious about me, I guess that’s because stress and anxiety make you hold your body in a different way that causes stress to the body. What ever it is you are in pain and need it sorted, says non medically trained me.

    Take care KT

  • Thank you for your reply.

    Im definitely going through a phase of anxiety and now worried my back pain is linked to melanoma!

    Im not worried about taking meds - just trying to avoid pre op and just confused who I consult about it. I’ll call my GP today. 

  • Let us know how you get on.

    Take care KT

  • Hi Rob80,

    I agree with KTatHome that probably pain is not related to melanoma as yours is early stage. My dad also gets back pain when he is stressed. 

    I'd inform pre-op assesment nurse regrading the medication so they can advise you on it.

    I'd also go back to my Gp to request further assessment to find the reason for the pain. Having pain since Feb should be investigated it if hasn't been yet, by a scan, physio etc. I am not suggesting this to worry you further, but the opposite, so you'll  know what is causing it and you won't worry that its related to melanoma. I know how slow GPS are at referring to specialist when it comes to "unknown cause of pain",but I think it'll be different for you now. 

    And it's totally OK to be worried if things are related to melanoma. We all do, I hope it'll get easier over time for all.
