Adapting to living with Melanoma- Sun protection

  • 55 replies
  • 64 subscribers

Hello, I’m new here and was diagnosed with Melanoma 2 months ago. I’m 32 years old and 3 weeks ago I had a wide excision and lymph node biopsy. Still waiting for the results. 

I’m currently really struggling with how I’m going to adapt to life with Melanoma. I of course was to protect myself from the sun as much as I can but I also don’t want to be scared or anxious about it and I want to live a normal life. 

I know that I need to seek shade, cover up, use suncream and avoid the sun between 11-3 but I’m struggling to what extreme this needs to be taken as in the hot weather it’s very hard to cover up from head to toe as well as shade not always being within control. 

If I’m in the shade do I need to cover up? 

How does this work? 

Any feedback or experience would be very much appreciated. 

Many thanks. 

  • Thanks so much! 
    Good luck with everything. 

  • Hi MK1, 

    It’s reassuring to know that it gets easier. 
    I know it will take time. I’m still trying to figure it all out and what my new style will be. 

    Do you mind me asking where you bought your parasol? I’d love to find a nice one. 

  • No problem and thank you Pray 

    I hope that it all goes well for you next week x 

  • Oh Stronggirl89….you are going to be loved just for who you are and this will be a distant memory x

  • I hope so! Thank you x 

  • Oh really, thank you. I’ll take a look! X

  • Hi there I'm due to have a WLE in 3 weeks on my neck  I'm very anxious too. Would you mind me asking within what  margin will your WLE be I have been told mine will be 2cm, I'm just concerned that SLNB was not mentioned to me and I was so upset almost numb when given my results that I never asked any questions 

  • Just to jump in according to the NICE guidelines they can go by staging for establishing the margin. at least 1cm for stage 1 and at least 2cm for stage 2. - 

  • Hi Jalc123,

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I was told my margin will be 2cm as Scott88 pointed out the guidelines, I am stage 2a. Are you stage 1? Maybe that's why SLNB was not required. 

    I am having a scan to locate lymph nodes day before the surgery, I think someone who is also stage 2 mentioned they won't get the scan before SLNB here. So this differences might be due to local guidelines in place for different hospitals, NHS England /Wales/Scotland etc. I am based in London 

    I'll advise to call or e-mail your speciality nurse or consultant, they been very  helpful with all follow up questions I had.


  • I'm not sure of my stage they never told me, I was in such shock when given my diagnosis that I didn't ask any questions. I have made a list of what I want to ask and was hoping that on the day of my pre assessment I would be able to ask all those questions as I am unsure of who I talk to. 

    I may need to get in touch with someone as I wasn't aware I would have a specialty nurse to contact either. 

    Thank you so much for your help and advice much appreciated