Prominent lymph node in groin

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Hello everyone - I have invasive malignant melanoma. So Thursday I was sent for a scan on my groin by my cancer specialist as I’ve been experiencing a dull period like pain in my left groin which radiates across to the right groin when bad. After the scan the sonographer advises he could see I had a prominent lymph node in my left groin and there was something else he’d discovered but “wasn’t medically trained” to comment until the specialist had seen it and it had been reported on. I’m going out of my mind! It’s the waiting that’s the worst! Has anyone else had something like this? 

  • I forgot to mention I had a total hysterectomy in 2018 so it obviously couldn’t have been period pains… 

  • I agree the waiting is awful it’s mental torture and your mind goes into overdrive thinking all sorts x 

    sorry I have no knowledge on anything regarding your lymph node xx 

  • Hi Chalky1980, I currently have a right groin lymph node that’s big, it’s a lump that’s about 35mm in length is oval in shape and protrudes about 15mm above the rest of my skin. (My cancer is slow growing and is being monitored by CT scans while I’m on Pembro and I have another CT scan on 2/9 to decide on a change of treatment, I have been told to contact them if the skin goes purple or I’m in pain)

    I can’t say I’ve had any period type pains, but I get an occasional uncomfortable feeling if I’m walking faster than normal or sometimes when sitting as it can get in the way. I sometimes feel a twinge on my left side but can’t tell if that’s imagination as my last scan said I have something over there as well, and something in the middle. My original diagnosis back in 2015 was when I had many lymph nodes in my pelvis and abdomin affected and at the first sight of a lump I was straight to the GP who referred me to A&E that day, at that stage I was feeling nauseous and weak and it was actually my 3rd visit to the GP about being unwell, it was the lump that prompted full steam ahead for investigations and treatment starting. 

    I am sorry you are feeling unwell and this must be an anxious time for you, I’m just glad that you’ve had a scan done (was it an ultrasound?) as things can start moving for you if there is anything to move on. I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone comment on a scan before the results come through they have to get someone more experienced to look at them, it’s not that they don’t want to tell you. I actually would prefer to hear any bad news of spreads at the same time they can tell me what they are doing to do next as I can then focus on the good bits. 

    Lymph nodes grow in size and shrink all the time as that’s there job to cope with any bacteria (or cancer) they may find. As I’ve been on immunotherapy for a long time when one of my nodes had to be removed 2 years ago the surgeon said it was sticky and surrounded and when they did the biopsy they said part of it was dying, so for me my immune system and Pembro at that time had been working but my node was larger than normal, if I’d had your person I suppose it might have been described as prominent, of a size to be monitored and perhaps investigated.

    I hope your wait to get more answers doesn’t feel too long, it will always seem longer than you want, I am on a count down to 2/9 and then 15/9 for the results so I’m hoping time goes quickly for me too.

    Take care KT

  • Hi I’m so sorry to hear this and thank you so much for reaching out. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and I hope everything works out well for you take care