Pain in Scar

  • 4 replies
  • 56 subscribers


I had malignant melanoma in 2016, I had a wide excision and SLNB. Since 2016 I have had over 12 more moles removed and biopsied and thankfully they have all come back negative. 

However, due to COVID I haven’t had a face to face appointment for quite a while. 

2 weeks ago I started getting stabbing pains in my wide excision scar, I initially thought I was getting a spot or something but nothing appeared, the stabbing pain has now changed to a soreness but there is nothing showing on the scar. I have phoned the dermatologist but they haven’t called me back. Yesterday I had a shower and noticed a pin like bump on my side, I knocked it while showering and out came a white liquid that smelt awful, I think this is linked. 

Anyone any ideas what it could be? What I should do? Am I worrying about nothing? 


  • Hi HF96, I am not a medic and would hate to guess at what you are experiencing, or tell you what to do. I think though if something is worrying you you have to flag things up either to your GP or to however you are regularly seeing, to tell them the facts of what you have experienced, and what you are worried is happening, and to have in mind what you want the person you are speaking to to do about it.

    I don’t know if the lack of reply so far is because no one else has experienced anything like you’ve described, and to be honest I’m finding it difficult to get my head around what you are describing, probably because my only surgery for melanoma was keyhole surgery to remove a lymph node. I was thinking if it’s not melanoma related a GP might help if perhaps there’s an antibiotic that you need for a foul smelling discharge, and a GP could also make a referral to dermatology if it’s needed or to a different department, or to nurses in their own surgery?, or just put your mind at rest if they assess that. 

    I remember going to a melanoma patient conference where a couple of skin cancer nurses gave a talk, and they said they would rather be approached because of something that’s bothering us, even if it turns out to be nothing. The example they gave was a potential melanoma which turned out to be a piece of toffee stuck to someone’s leg, if my memory serves me right. Nothing to do with what you are experiencing but I think the quandary of does something need to be done or am I worrying about nothing is similar I was thinking, with the answer being if it’s troubling you it’s not a waste of anyone’s time.

    Theres also the Macmillan support line to talk to as well, its open 8am to 8pm on 0808 808 0000, they have access on weekdays to nurses that can talk to you if needed.

    I hope things improve for you.

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember

    My  13 year old melanoma scar. I still get periods of off worrying stabby ..dull ache under my scar on my upper breast here . And sometimes it looks like a circle is appearing . Nothing has ever come of it. My new diagnosis is not from this cancer on my breast . I hope this helps .just my personal experience of cos I'm not in any way educated on these health topics . 


    Revolving hearts

  • Thank you, my consultant is sending me for a scan to see if there is anything worrying going on that she can’t see. Fingers crossed for good news x