Can anyone explain Cancer free but not all clear?

  • 4 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Yesterday I had my 1st 3 monthly appointment since my WLE and SlLNB, my SLNB was not a success they didn't get it out,. I was staged 1B.

My margins were clear from the WLE so I was hoping to get the all clear but I was told as far as things stand now we are pretty sure you have no cancer but it doesn't mean you are all clear.

I wanted to hear I was all clear, am I hanging on those words or will I get the all clear after they have done a few ultrasound scan on my armpit ?

My partner thinks I was given the all clear but he didn't say those words to me and it's playing on my mind I will get in touch with my nurse but don't want to bother her over something like this.

  • Hi HelWWFC,

    I have had cancer twice, breast cancer 10 years ago and melanoma 4 years ago. All I am ever told at my numerous follow up appointments since then is "No evidence of disease" or "No suspicous lesion was detected".

    I honestly think that the term "all clear" is bandied about by the media but not used in the medical world. The media portrays this mythical term "all clear" almost as a guarantee that the cancer will never return. There is no such guarantee. No one can see into the future but you can lower the risk of recurrence by covering up in the sun, living a healthy lifestyle and acting quickly if you see any new or changed moles appearing.

    Getting clear margins on your WLE is  the best possible outcome you could have from the WLE. Getting the SNLB out for testing would have been an extra way of ensuring that there has been no spread. However, with a staging of 1B, the SNLB is unlikely to have been affected. Mine was stage 2B and the SNLB was clear. My WLE margins were not clear and I had to have a further operation.

    All this to say that you are already in a good place with respect to your treatment. Clear margins on a WLE is great news! Your treatment was successful. Don't be concerned that the words "all clear" have not been mentioned, the important thing is the clear margins on your WLE.

    Take care


  • Hi Miranda,

    Thanks at least you have cleared it up, my consultant did say there is no such thing as all clear as he had a patient had a return melanoma after 20 years so therefore was she all clear and it came back or not, I have had my appointment for the scan for next Tuesday but I extremely doubt it will show anything, 

    Thank you again best wishes Hel

  • Hi Helen,

    When I see the press reporting famous people getting an "all clear" it makes me angry because I have never heard of the term being used in a medical context. What your consultant said confirmed that.

    Unfortunately, this sloppy journalism sets false expectations and in your case created unnecessary worry. I was very saddened to hear that you were "hanging on those words". I am sure you are not the only one.

    Best wishes for your scan on Tuesday. Let us know how you get on.

    Take care


  • Hi Miranda and HelWWFC 

    I have wondered about that too, so you’ve helped me understand! 

    Good luck for your scan xx