Drain pain

  • 4 replies
  • 58 subscribers

I had a groin node dissection nearly four weeks ago and have been experiencing some nerve pain in my knee.  I had my final drain removed last Monday and now the nerve pain has increased causing pain up my leg to the site where my drain was in my leg.  Anyone else had this? It’s agony.  

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to read how painful your leg is since you've had the drain removed. Have you managed to speak to your hospital team about the pain yet?

    I don't have any experience with groin node dissection but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. I typed 'groin node dissection' into the group search bar and found these posts with these words in. You could have a look through them and see if you can find any where people have experienced a lot of pain when the drain was removed.

    It would be great if you could pop something about your journey so far into your profile as it really helps others when answering or looking for someone with a similar diagnosis. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.


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  • My husband had a neck dissection but like you had much pain after the drain was removed which lasted a couple of weeks. It was so sensitive he could barely touch the area. He was prescribed strong pain killers but these did not agree with him and he switched back to paracetamol & ibuprofen. Nurse told him to take full dose of these every day for a month or two - not to wait for pain to get bad. She said all the nerves are knitting back together so pain will persist for some time. He is now 8 weeks post op and pain free. 

  • I thought I'd reply as I have also had a groin node dissection with a drain but I haven't had the same experience with knee pain like you had. I had discomfort in the leg after the drain was removed and got cellulitis in that leg and ended up having 2 days in hospital Two years on the area above my knee has very little feeling in it, due to damage to the nerves during the op. I also developed lymphedema as the lymph fluid collected in my leg causing swelling, redness and extreme discomfort. I am now seeing a nurse who specializes in manual lymphatic drainage has prescribed a compression stocking for the leg and gives me regular massage. Sorry this doesn't help you with your problem ! I hope you get some help and advice from your medical team. 


  • Hello Willow66

    I too had a left groin dissection almost 8 weeks ago now. What an unexpectedly big operation this is isn’t it! Mine happened so quickly that I barely had time to think about it.  That long list of possible side effects that you sign just before surgery! Goodness!

    The first day after the op my thigh was soooo painful! And there was a tingly, pins and needles feeling in my whole front upper leg. It’s completely numb now, from just above my kneecap to about an inch below my groin. I can feel pressure, but no touch or heat/cold sensation. How about you?

    Ive had all sorts of feelings in my leg. Sharp pains, electric shock like pains, tingling, the feeling my leg is stretched or being pumped up. They come and go, and seem to move around, but it’s much, much better now. I think the pain you’re experiencing is nerve damage. Has it improved? If not, I’d check with the surgeon just in case. 

    What’s helped me is I bought some black hold up support stockings online (they’re pretty sexy, which made me feel ok about wearing them) and have been wearing one on my left leg every day since the drain was removed (after 3 weeks) and the hole was healed over. My leg feels pretty normal when I wear it. I’m trying to prevent lymphodema setting in - so far so good, touch wood. I’ve also been seeing a physio to help get back my full range of movement. It’s been really good. Ask your GP for a referrral if you can. I found the more flexible I’ve become, the less my leg has bothered me and I can do most things again, although I’m not doing usual yoga or Pilates yet - the physio said to wait about 12 weeks.

    I hope this helps you. Good luck with the healing and your journey.  Need to sleep now.  Take care xx