Recovery time on WLE and SLB

  • 14 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Hello All,

This is the first time on here but have been reading some comments lately whilst going through biopsy and tests.

I had a melanoma, stage 2 on the base of my foot removed at the beginning of November and last Wednesday had a WLE and SLB with skin graft.

I just wondered if anyone had had the same type on the foot with skin graft and how long it took to heal? Or skin graft anywhere for the matter.

I am hopping around using a frame and a wheelchair when I get tired as I must keep of the foot.

Also, has anyone experience of the SLB in the groin area and ideas of healing times?

Many thanks, Kanga

  • Hi Kanga

    I didn’t have my melanoma on my foot but it was on my right shin, I was diagnosed with stage 2a melanoma in November 2020 and had a 2cm WLE on my right shin and SLNB on my right groin. I had a skin graft, donor site was from my left thigh, and out of all my procedures this hurt the most following days after surgery. The graft donor site remained dressed for two weeks, it was checked one week after surgery and was very raw and wet still, so redressed  for a further couple of weeks. After around two weeks it was not so sore and began to dry and required moisturising twice daily, which I still have to do going forward, the donor site remains red but this should fade in time.

    My graft on my WLE was covered with dressings and bandages following surgery, and I was advised not to mobilise on it for two weeks, only to bathroom and to attend hospital appointments and this was to give the skin graft the best chance to adhere to the open wound and when resting I was advised to keep my leg elevated (I even had my bed elevated at the feet end ). The skin graft on the WLE was noted to be successful upon first review, one week after surgery and redressed. Week two,  I had the stitches removed and some dissolvable stitches remained. I had all wounds checked and redressed weekly for four weeks, after 3 weeks I could get all wounds wet with showering and the only wound needing dressings was my WLE wound. 

    My scar on my right groin area is around 8 cm long and the dressing was removed after a week and I had sterile strip stitches that just fell off around week two and although sore at first and it felt lumpy.  I was advised to massage the area, as swelling in my thigh remains to persist and it did feel weird when walking but I think I have just got used to it now and swelling does go down when I elevate my leg and walking helps pump the lymph fluid gathered.

    8 weeks post op and I had my appointment with surgery outpatients and it was decided my wound on my WLE was healed and no longer needed dressings. However the skin graft remains very red in appearance and requires daily moisturising. The redness, I have been informed this can take many months to fade in colour and I will be left with a significant dent in my shin but honestly, I can live with it and the swelling in my right groin/thigh I can cope with.

    skin grafts are different for everyone and I was told if it didn’t take, it would heal but take longer to heal. I can imagine it’s worse for you not being to put weight on your foot ?

    I hope you are recovering well following your procedures and send you best wishes for your results. Take care Heart

  • Hello True Red, 

    Thank you very much for your reassuring and helpful reply.

    I was warned by the plastic surgeon that the foot is the worst place for a skin graft.  So I am desperate for this to work and am trying to follow all instructions to the letter. 

     Moving around safely is a challenge to say the least as the hopping with a walking frame is beginning to hurt my hands and shoulders.  I use a wheelchair to save the strain but really I am sitting with the leg/foot elevated most of the time.   As I live alone, Lockdown rules have been tweaked and a friend has moved in for two weeks!

    I went to the hospital today for the first check and they are pleased with the wounds.  The graft is looking good and apart from being a little open at the top of the groin wound is ok but bruised and swollen.  It is sore, just as you describe and a similar length to yours. More steri strips applied.

    I return for further inspections next week and the physio will assess for heal walking.  I can't fault them.

    Thank you, again for your reply and wish you well.

    Best wishes,


  • Hi

    I was wondering how you were doing. Have all your wounds healed now and are you more mobile? I'm hoping that you'll have had the results of your SLNB back and that were negative for melanoma.

    Wishing you all the best


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hello Latchbrook, how kind to check in with me!

    Especially, as I am not having the best of days.  I am still off my feet.  I was given boot to for heel walking but found it really uncomfortable on the foot so decided just to grin and bear the walking frame and wheelchair until it felt right.  At the last dressing change last week, the hospital confirmed that keeping the foot elevated was the best thing as it gets the blood supply to the foot.  But today the groin wound has opened up (about 2 centimetres) so I have been to A&E to get it packed and dressed.

    I am still waiting for the results and appointment with the consultant.

    Best wishes.

  • I'm sorry to hear that things are not going exactly to plan  Disappointed This recovery period must feel like it's going on for ever! 

    I've just read back what I've typed and realised that I'm probably not doing a very good job of lifting your spirits!

    All the best Hugging

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • No worries, Latchbrook, it's just a well timed message.  It's all a huge struggle as I live alone and have to rely on good friends.  Just hoping that this week brings good news.  x

  • Hi Kanga53, please could I ask how long you had to wait until you received your positive result back after the removal/ biopsy? Thank you x

  • Hi Sally, I had a biopsy mid October which came back inconclusive so had the whole melanoma removed on the 5th November and waited three weeks for the results. CAT and MRI were done within a couple of weeks of the results and the results came back within a couple of weeks.  I had the SLNB and WLE on March 3rd and got the results five weeks later with a written confirmation from the consultant last week.  Waiting for the results is the worst, isn't it?

  • Gosh that's a lot of waiting, I'm really sorry to hear that... I'm not as far as you, I'm awaiting a biopsy/ removal so no diagnosis yet. I was just sent via the "2 week referral" as a GP at my surgery has a speciality in derm and his own parent had acral lentiginous melanoma" and was "99% sure" that's what I have. My appt isn't until 01.06.2021 so I know I'm in for a long wait but was just curious of waiting times now due to COVID catch up! Thank you for your response though and I hope you are now recovering well after your groin and foot wound x

  • Hello Sally, That does sound like a long wait.  I was referred initially via the 2 week referral last September and received a call a couple of days later from dermatology with an appointment which was within the two week rule.  I hope May slips away quickly for you!

    My healing is a slow process as the wound is on the foot.  But I'm getting there!