Tips on relaxing

  • 9 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi All, 

Touching base again. So in March 2020 I got diagnosed with superficial spreading melanoma. That got removed along with my sentinal node which came back negative. That was a relief I guess and I did relax for a few months. Since I've had 3 appointments canceled by the dermatologist which got my mind thinking over time. Am I going to miss something etc. I finally had an appointment on Tuesday. She said she was going to keep an eye on two moles on my body. I think they have both been there years but can't help to think after 6 months I have a reoccurance. It plays on your mind so much, like a fool I decided to go through all my old photos trying to see if I could find them. Looks like I have had them ages but can't help thinking the worse. What really got me then was the fact I was looking at picture of myself and my family, my daughter is 4 and son is 2.

I'm wanting advice on how to keep relaxed. When I was there Tuesday she said there was nothing to worry about, will just monitor and if there is anything suspicious at all she will get it removed straight away, no messing about. So should I take that as my assurance and relax until my next appointment. Just looking for some words of advice if anyone has been in this situation before where they had a potential reoccurance. I was staged 2a with everything clear following SNB and WLE


  • FormerMember

    Hi Stevie, not sure I can help much but I wanted to say that my husband is also struggling and we too have been through previous pictures. He is currently waiting on some biopsy results which have been sent for further testing as they have come back as abnormal but not confirmed melanoma yet. Its so scary when you have young children, we too have a 4 year old girl and 18 month old boy. Hope that you are able to calm your anxious mind soon and I'm sorry to hear what you have been through. 

  • Hi Stevie, I have always used the technique of keeping busy to distract myself from thoughts, usually walking, or before that other sports, and it occurred to me last year that if I couldn’t be mobile that I would need some more tools in my toolbox of ways to cope with the uncertainty and stresses that melanoma brings. If you have Netflix it may be worth watching episode 1 and 2 of the series Headspace a guide to meditation. I thought I wouldn’t be able to relax but I I think I fell asleep during episode 1 and woke up at no5 !

    Take care KT

  • Hi 

    I had exactly the same diagnosis as you, albeit mine was 4 years ago. Again like you I had a WLE and SLNB both of which came back clear.

    I then went on to three monthly check-ups and always felt relived when I was told that everything was okay. I haven't had any check-ups for a year now with Covid restrictions meaning that my consultant is only seeing people if they are concerned about something. As I'm 4 years on from my diagnosis I'm quite relaxed about that as I know they'll see me if I find anything but I think if I'd been in my first year of check-ups then I wouldn't have been very relaxed about it either.

    Over the course of these last 4 years I've had a few things that I've been concerned about but after being seen/having a lesion removed everything's turned out to be okay.

    When I was first diagnosed my consultant got me to take photos of the various sections of my body, eg upper left arm, lower right leg, stomach, etc and I use these to compare myself against when I do my monthly check. I have lots of moles and marks on my skin so it's an easy way to keep an eye on everything.

    I would certainly take it as a positive that your consultant said "there was nothing to worry about". I'm certainly happy when told that! Just do your monthly checks and if anything is worrying you get in touch with your SCNS and she'll get you in front of your consultant within a few days.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi Latchbrook. 

    Thanks for your advice again. I think as it's been almost a year since I first found out and a while since my op things have been playing on my mind. The Internet certainly doesn't help. I guess I need to put my trust in my consultants and if they say something I need to go by what they say. Maybe as you said, as it's first year it is still fresh. I've looked at the mole they are concerned about today and it actually looks healthier than when we first noticed it last week. What I need to use as a saving grace is that it has been there since the start of the whole process, so not only has it been checked by the dermatologist, surgeon but twice at check ups and nobody has been that worried about it and was happy to keep an eye on it.

    I just keep trying to find positive stories or what be better is to stop looking app together but easier said than done. I might be busy and totally forget about then bang, it's all I can think about. I love music and being a musician so I've gone back to listening to music to relax, playing guitar etc, everything I can to try and keep my mind active. 

    All the best everyone


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Well my gut instinct was right. Always go with it. Found a lump Friday night in my right arm where the epitrochlear lymph node is located. Got in today and will be sent for an ultrasound to get it checked. I've been in bits for a few days but must fight on, others are in far worse position. Seems like it might not have gone to the nodes in my underarm but the arm itself. Great. Hopefully caught it quickly.


  • I'm sorry to hear that you've found a lump but that's great that you're going to be seen so quickly.

    Let us know when you have the date for your scan.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi

    How did the ultrasound go and have you had the results yet?


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi Latchbrook. 

    I can't complain about the service is had. In the space of 9 days I had an appointment with my plastic surgeon, ultrasound, biopsy and CT with a plan of actions

    So the nodes came back positive from the biopsy but the CT came back clear for the rest. I'm booked on on the 16th to have the operation to removed the lump then have a meeting with the oncologist on the 26th to discuss adjuvant treatment. I've had a few days relaxing since results. Most people would struggle I guess with being upgraded to stage 3 but I felt it as a relief cos my brain was working over time and thinking its worse. The team seem confident and I have to thrive on that, let's get it out, have some adjuvant treatment and move on. Fingers crossed that works and we beat this thing. Would like to relax for a little while.


  • Sorry to hear that the biopsy came back positive .

    There are quite a few people in the group on adjuvant therapy who I'm sure will be happy to talk to you about it if you wanted to.

    I'll definitely be keeping my fingers crossed for you.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"