Lesion in groin found during body scan

  • 4 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi all

just after a bit of advice as I’m driving myself a bit crazy!

in brief, I had a mole removed from my lower back just over 4 years ago, slnb indicated slight melanoma in my right groin but after much agonising, I elected to watch and wait with regular ultrasound scans.

this was the wrong decision as it turns out as last January, I had a lump in my groin, biopsies confirmed melanoma. I went in just before lockdown and had my right lymph nodes removed as well as my right pelvic nodes as they had showed some activity on the pet scan. My consultant said he was surprised when removing them as all 8 removed were very full of melanoma. I’ve been on dab/tram therapy since last April. 

ive recently had a pet scan of my body which showed an enlarged lymph node on my left groin....this was biopsied on Friday. I’m now a bag of nerves waiting for the result. My consultant said this can sometimes be caused by the medication but I’m really worried. Has anyone else experienced this?

also, I went for my COVID jab last week and saw on my medical records a notification for end of life care! This completely freaked me out and when I asked why, the nurse couldn’t answer me....am I at the end of my life?

sorry for the long message 

hope you are all winning the battle.....I’m feeling like it’s a bit of a struggle at the moment

  • Hi Tinktoo

    Sorry I can’t offer any advice as I have not experienced what you are seeking advice for and hopefully someone will come along who is in a similar situation and offer support. But I wanted to comment as I would feel like you too if I had noticed that on my medical records and like you would want answers, all I can suggest is  you speak to your medical team. Be gentle with yourself and sending best wishes Heartpulse

  • Hi sorry you are going through a really rough time. You said you were wrong to do the wait and watch regarding your nodes but I don’t think there is a right or wrong decision. I had mine removed after SNB showed onlyslight melanoma main sentinel node. When they took  others out after a groin dissection they didn’t find anything. However 7 years later it had spread to my lungs ,near my spine and a large tumour near my kidney. That was 3 years ago and I was placed on dam trab for 7 months. I then had and still have immunotherapy. 

    Most of my tumour burden has gone. I also had a pet scan and one node on the other side of my body lit up. I had a needle biopsy and it turned out to be nothing. Pet scans can show any inflammation so try not to worry. Mine also showed up my thyroid gland and roof of mouth. After a biopsy on my thyroid again nothing sinister was found. The roof of my mouth was just a dental problem.

    I found the dam tram tablets worked very well to begin with but I have less side effects on the immunotherapy treatment. 

    Its normal to feel up and down. I have had some very down times but feel the treatments available at the moment are amazing. I try not to look too far into the future and try to make the best of each day. I know it’s difficult at the moment but society will open up again in the next few months. My husband and I have just booked sometime away in a couple of premier inns. If things aren’t open we can change the dates.

    Regarding end of life. You don’t seem to be anywhere near that at the moment. If it worries you just ask your doctor. I am stage 4 so I guess something is on my notes but won’t be asking about it. 

    Hope this helps  

  • Thank you...will ask on my next visit to the Gp I think


  • Thanks so much for your reassuring reply. It’s just so difficult at times to manage the anxiety as we all know that melanoma doesn’t really get cured as such, just periods of time between recurrence it seems. Hopefully they will find a curative treatment soon. I do my best as I meditate and do yoga which is wonderful, it’s just the medical blips take some getting over.

    I can’t wait to have a mini get away too...Brighton for me I think!

    thanks for being so kind in answering. I wish you health and happiness.
