Swapping to immunotherapy

  • 5 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi, new to this. My mum was diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma early last year and had lymph node removal in her groin. A few months later she experienced back pain and was admitted to hospital where a PET scan showed spread to her liver, lungs, spine and pelvis. She started on enco and bini targeted therapy but a recent scan shows these have now stopped working and the disease has progressed further. She is being swapped onto immunotherapy next week. Any positive outcomes similar to this story?

  • I am sorry to hear about your mum. If you read my profile my condition was similar as I had melanoma in my lungs,near my spine and a very large tumour near my kidney. I took dam and tram tablets for 7 months before they stopped working and my tumours started to get bigger. I then had four lots of ipi and Nivolumab and now have been on Nivolumab for over 2 years. My outcome is very positive and much better than I hoped. The last pet scan at first showed no evidence of disease but after closer scrutiny the consultant said she saw a shiny part near my kidney and suggested doing another year of treatment. I was pleased as nervous about stopping treatment. I wish your mum well. I did have side effects but nothing I couldn’t cope with. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to lgrgdg90

    Thank you for getting back to me. I was so pleased to read about your positive outcome. Its a very scary time, particularly with covid thrown in on top of everything else. Im hoping the immunotherapy works on tumours in the bones too, i do not know much about this but keeping positive.

  • If there’s anything I can help you with I will try. I found it is best to ring help line if there are any problems however small as they can reassure you Hope it all goes well. 

  • Hi - so sorry to hear about your Mum. 

    My husband was diagnosed with Melanoma stage 4 early 2019 and started on Ipi and Nivo.  He had 4 treatments before side effects stopped him having any more.  If you read my profile you will see the journey we've been on and he is still here, feeling and looking very well and with the only sigh of the Melanoma in his lungs ( first diagnosed in lung, liver and small intestine). So it can have amazing results.  We are waiting for scan results at the moment.

    Fingers crossed your Mum responses well and doesn't get any side effects.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kennie

    Thank you so much Kennie for your positive reply. My mum has been admitted to hospital for pain relief, so hoping this does not impact on new treatment starting this week.