Delayed slnb

  • 3 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Good evening forum 

Have been given a date for a delayed slnb at the end of the month.Didnt think they were going to do one so put it out of my mind. Now the anxiety is slowly creeping back as to wether it’s going to be negative or positive.Really needs to be negative but have a horrible feeling.



  • Hi Andrew, I didn’t have a primary melanoma (or at least one that was found) so I haven’t had a SLNB, but I know the anxiety of waiting so I can sympathise on that one for you. I think it’s great that you were able to put it out of your mind and from my 5 years of experience with melanoma I’ve learnt that I can expect a bit of anxiety to creep back at times, and knowing that helps me plan something more to help in those expected times rather than just ploughing through expecting to be fine. 

    I hope things come back negative for you and that the next 2 weeks go smoothly for you, and then the next few weeks waiting for results. There are people on here who can give you the benefit of what they did practical wise to prepare for their SLNB, is yours in your groin, arm or neck ? I am just very practised at waiting but can’t say I never ponder, I’ve just learnt to reduce the pondering and had some lovely people on here help when I just need to get things out of my head.

    Take care

    Take care KT

  • Hi kat, my nodular melonoma was on my left scapula ,don’t know yet what lymph it will drain to.

  • Hi Andrew

    It's natural to feel anxious about your upcoming SLNB. I had one after I was diagnosed with melanoma and I'm happy to answer any questions you might have if I can.


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