Good news then not so good news

  • 6 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi I wrote a week ago about getting amazing news from my pet scan and apart from something small on my thyroid everything else was dead. I then got a phone call today saying that my scans had been looked at again in detail in a case conference and it was found there is something showing on the pet-scan near my right groin area and I now need an ultrasound and needle biopsy . I feel upset and deflated after just getting used to the previous results and feel 

 Now I will have soon two ultrasounds and have to wait again for the results  Usually the nurses are very caring but I felt this one was calling unprepared and couldn’t answer my questions. I now feel this is never ending as my journey started with melanoma 10 years ago  Yes you could say I have benefited from the great treatments that are available now and I do appreciate it. I will probably feel better in the morning and will carry on as normal Thanks for listening to my ramblings. Take care everyone 

  • I'm really sorry to read this , especially as only a few days ago everything was looking so good! Hopefully, everything will still be okay after the ultrasound and biopsy but I can understand how never ending this must feel.

    I'm hoping that when you woke up this morning you're feeling better about everything.

    Sending a virtual ((hug)) and, as would say, "eat more cake"!

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi , I’m sorry to read this latest news, it sounds a bit like they are being ultra careful to check it out, but I know how scary and frustrating it can be. With me sometimes the results have been given prior to the MDT and then I’ve had things that have contradicted a bit when you get a second opinion I think they tell you what’s most likely in their opinion but if anyone disagrees they have to check it out to be safe so I’m hoping that after your wait for US and the biopsy by US that you will be back to your original good news fingers and toes crossed for you.

    I hope today that the annoying news has been put to one side and that you’ve had some joy today, or that you feel your getting there.

    Take care

    Take care KT

  • Thank you for your kind words. I do feel better and just want to get the tests over  with. I feel well and have to continue with making everyday as interesting and relaxing as I can. My first reaction was I wanted to hide away until I had the results but realise friends are important and I will continue to see he ones that have a positive outlook .A neighbour who had heard about my results came to see me and even though she was well meaning spent the time telling me how her husband had died.

    There is always going to be ups and downs and I will just have to deal with the outcome. Does the needle biopsy hurt ? Hope your next scan results are good Thanks again. 

  • Hi , no the needle biopsy didn’t hurt. The ultra sound shows them where to go, you feel a small sharp scratch like you do for a blood test, I can’t remember if that’s the anaesthetic going in or wether the anaesthetic is rubbed on. They warned me that I would hear a click when they get the sample they might take two for testing, I had 3 taken the last time as I was participating in the Mel-resist trial. The only time a needle biopsy hurt for me was when the sample was being located through my back by a CT scan it momentarily felt like hot water being sprayed on my leg, they said they must have caught a nerve, but it only lasted seconds. I’ve had two needle biopsies to the groin and both were ok. 

    Friends and acquaintances are another matter aren’t they. I know that when we talk about something new in general conversation we might join in to say I’ve been there or I’ve done that so some are just following that pattern of chatter. I suppose your neighbour is trying to tell you that she appreciates how scared you might feel or how serious it might be with her words but you don’t really want to hear about death when your not ready for it. I have a friend who tends to tell me how I should feel who has no experience and shows no empathy and annoys the hell out of me, I like the Macmillan section on supporting someone and what not to say to someone, I think I’ve heard most of them at one time or another, and it makes you grit your teeth doesn’t it, or sigh like Charlie Brown, best tolerated when your head is adjusted, not when you’re trying to get there. 

    I think it is great that you seem to be taking things more in your stride, as you say there will be ups and downs, you felt well before the news and you’ve felt well after the news, a wise oncologist told me once to concentrate on that. I want to visually get the angst out like a list and screw it up and carry on, if that makes sense, it’s the what to carry on with that has been the struggle sometimes and you seem to have that under control, and ready for any next blip, well done you. 

    Take care and please keep me informed

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to lgrgdg90

    I had a needle biopsy in the groin and I was surprised how it didn’t hurt at all to be honest. They did mine there and then when I came to clinic with a lump, so I had no time to worry in advance, but it was less painful than bloods can be.

    Massive hugs, and hope the days pass quickly. Xx

  • Thank you for your kind words  pleased it doesn’t hurt as just have had injections into the roof of my mouth and 3 stitches today for an abscess and that did hurt. Now a diet of things I like such as yogurt ,soup ,custard and lots of soft cake! 

    Yes I am keeping busy and now think whatever the outcome of both ultrasounds it can’t be as bad as my condition 3 years ago.  I am so pleased that the ipi and Nivolumab have worked so well on such large tumours. I hope everyone is keeping well 
