Biopsy Results

  • 10 replies
  • 57 subscribers


I am waiting for biopsy results which where done exactly 3 weeks ago today, is it a good sign that I’ve heard nothing or is it too early.

I am worried as over the last few weeks I have been suffering with severe pain in my chest and been in hospital, they tell me it’s not my heart and it’s not my lungs but the pain is extreme and makes me sick. The doctor said he thought it might be something to do with my previous melanoma so I have left a message for my consultant but not heard anything, could this be true? 

Would you call again? 

thanks x

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I really wish I could say that not having heard about your biopsy results is a good sign but, in reality, it just means that they're not back from the path labs yet. When you had surgery did you ask, or did they give you an indication, of how long the results are currently taking?

    If you were given an idea and it's gone past that date then I'd give the consultant's secretary a call to see how much longer they'll be, or if they're back and just waiting for the consultant to look at them. She won't be able to tell you one way or another what the results say, if they are back, but should at least be able to give you an idea how soon you'll hear.

    If you don't know how long the results should be taking then maybe give it another week, as the average time is usually about 4 weeks for results to come back.

    Having severe chest pains and feeling sick must be pretty horrible so I'm glad to hear that you've been checked out in hospital. Are they still investigating what's causing this and have you spoken to your SCNS as you said that  "it might be something to do with my previous melanoma"?

    Let us know how things go


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  • Hi thanks for the reply.

    I have been told that I am going to have a scan soon to try to get to the bottom of my chest pain, I am hoping it I soon as it’s really getting me down now. 

    I still haven’t received my biopsy results so am hoping no news is good news but we will see.

  • Hi

    How are you doing? Have you had the results from your biopsy yet?


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  • Hi 

    I still haven’t had my results, they are back but can’t be told them over the phone. All clinics cancelled as cancer service been restructured so will get an appointment in the post.

    I guess the results are good. 

  • I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that your results are good

    Come back and let us know when you have a date for your appointment.


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  • Thank you, I will keep you updated. 

  • Any sign of your results ?


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  • Hi 

    I have an appointment on Thursday this week with my consultant so guess it’s the results from my biopsies, I’m scared about the results. 

    I have decided not to tell anyone if the results are bad as people took it hard last time and not sure how they would cope. Do you think I’m wrong or right doing this? 

    Hope your all keeping well. 

  • Hi

    I'm glad to hear that you've finally got a date to get your results, although naturally you're feeling scared about getting them.

    The decision about whether to tell other people if your results are positive for melanoma is a personal one and only you know what's right for you. I can understand you wanting to protect loved ones but would they feel hurt if they found out you'd not told them?

    I'm very well, thanks for asking. Due my next telephone check-up in a month's time but have nothing suspicious to report to them, touch wood!

    I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you on Thursday.


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  • Hi

    I was looking through some of the older threads and realised that you didn't come back and let us know the results of your biopsies. I'm hoping that means they were negative for melanoma Fingers crossed


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