How did it spread so fast?

  • 4 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hello to everyone out there on this group none of us want to be on!

I had a nasty mole cut out of my shoulder under a year ago, and was told it was MM. So I went ahead and had a WLE and SLNB. The surgeons thought at the time that they’d got it all. I went in March for a skin check, and general prod of the lymph glands, and was told I was okay. Yippee.

But not for long. I had a CT scan in July, which shows melanoma mets in my left adrenal gland, abdominal wall, axillary lymph nodes and lungs! Then last week I has an X-ray, and the doctor said he could see some growths in my liver! Gosh this stuff is aggressive.

I’m classed as untreatable as the tumours are so widespread, and I’m pretty frail, so my oncologist feels immunotherapy will do more harm than good. 

I’ve started on the death admin, and am getting on well with it. Getting signatures for my will etc will be a nuisance, as I’m pretty much bedridden now. My husband bears the brunt of it all though. He just doesn’t want to accept the fact that I’m leaving. He is a very proud man, to the point of stubbornness, and won’t entertain the thought of counselling, despite me thinking it would do him the power of good.

I don’t know what to do any more. I just want to lie here and sleep.

Thanks for being there.

  • Hello , I am so sorry to read about your stage 4, and how frail you have said you are. I too when I was diagnosed 5 years ago was told I was at that time too ill for treatment and my melanoma was only in lymph nodes extensive but only in my abdominal and pelvic ones  but they put me on steroids and reviewed me again a week later, and a again the week after that and I started on a targeted therapy. I appreciate that your burden of disease is more, and you sound like you have come to terms with things, I’m just finding it a bit difficult reading this, it must be a difficult decision weighing up risk of trying immunotherapy which treats the whole body, but can have side effects that a weak body can not cope with. I imagine the thought is that it could accelerate nearing the end, and not having treatment can in some awful circumstances be the best option, it’s must be difficult for you to hear and I am so sorry. I saw that you have joined the living with incurable cancer group, the group are incredibly supportive, some have had an incurable diagnosis for many years and been on palliative treatments and have gone through the admin and emotional side of things and are still here, and at the moment unfortunately there are some long timers (different cancers) who are facing the transition from having had their last treatments to pain management and care in a hospice or home. They use the space for coming to terms with things and for keeping in touch with the friends they have made on this site through sharing their experiences and supporting each other.

    I am a member of that group to and might see you over there? I hope so.

    Take care

    Take care KT

  • Hi , I was just rereading things and wanted to wish you a happy birthday, I m not sure if it’s coming up soon or if it has just passed as I didn’t know when you wrote your profile.

    I’m not big on celebrations but they are a time for me to reflect on what’s going on, and I’m thinking that might be / have been especially hard this time for you. I just wanted say I’m thinking off you.  

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Thank you KTatHome. My birthday was a couple of weeks ago. We celebrated as well as we were able. Covid-19 would have had an impact anyway. I have joined the incurable cancer group. I’ll no doubt see you there.

  • Hope you had a great cake!

    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!