Mole biopsy anxiety

  • 6 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi to anyone who reads this, I hope you are having a good day. I really hope it is ok to post here as I have not been diagnosed just waiting for results and looking for a little bit of support. I am 32 year old female and last May I came back from holiday and noticed I had a little lump on my leg just below my knee, just skin coloured so I thought it was maybe away to be a spot. Anyway over a month or a few months it grew to about 1cm and turned very pink looking. I had put off going to doctors as thought it would go away on its own and when I noticed it wasn’t going away I got too scared. I have three young children and decided I really needed to get it checked so I called my doctors who told me to send them pictures of it with a ruler next to it, which I did. Doctor called back and said it was nothing to worry about but would send it to Dermatology anyway. Within half an hour of getting off phone, dermatology called wanting to see me the following day which surprised me. I went to my appointment and consultant told me she wanted it off there and then. That was just over 2 weeks ago so I’m just waiting on my results. Just really worried as I don’t have very many moles. Sorry this is so long.

  • Hi and welcome to the melanoma group

    Waiting for results of your biopsy is without doubt a very difficult situation to deal with. Everyone in this group has gone through this and we probably all had different ways of dealing with it. If you read my profile you'll see that I wasn't expecting to be told I had melanoma so I wasn't anxious waiting for my results. My waiting for results revolved around waiting to find out if the cancer had spread.

    Lots of people, me included, immersed themselves in hobbies and pastimes to stop our brains wandering too much on to the 'what ifs'. Others threw themselves into their work or spent lots of time with friends, more difficult to do at present. Quite a few people have tried mindfulness apps and, if this is something you might like to try, clicking on this link will take you to the NHS mental health website with suggested apps, some of which are free.

    Do you know roughly when you should get your results? Between now and then if there's anything you want to ask, please feel free as we have a vast range of experience between us.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi , welcome to the online community and of course it’s ok to be here while you wait to see if you get the all clear. Nobody knows that the results will be until the biopsy comes back, and the wait and uncertainty can be really difficult/ annoying/ frustrating/ worrying/ or insert emotion here ! 

    Melanoma or possible melanoma is always treated as urgent and even though it’s removed by the time you actually get the all clear or diagnosis it can still feel difficult, so your not alone. I’m hoping voicing your concern helps, I know it helps me when I’m in a blip, it just gets the thoughts out of my head, and in writing you can read it back and see how your coping. 

    Your post to me said you’ve been in a bit of a whirlwind, and with 3 small kids and with the extra pressures of lockdown your coherent post suggests you’re doing well. It’s very natural to go down the negative route, I hope you can hit that and then build yourself up again to being more positive, that it’s been removed and that you can handle any next step. Just sometimes it’s best not to contemplate the next step until you need to think about it, other times you want to know everything so you feel more in charge. There are plenty of people to help with what’s next if you need it and plenty to help with how they cope.

    Virtual hug on its way Hugging and if you have any questions or want any links or want to tell us more just press reply. 

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Thank you so much for replying, I am trying my hardest not to think about it too much but I’m a bit of a control freak and like to know what I might possibly be facing which I know I probably shouldn’t be thinking like that. Thank you so much for the link I will def give that a go. The dermatologist I seen said the results would take 6-8 weeks but she said she would try get them as soon as she could and phone me with the results. Fingers crossed the next 4/6 weeks go quickly. Again thank you very much for taking the time to reply.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply KT, I really appreciate it. Yes my emotions are a bit all over the place, one minute I’m fine and think it will come back benign then the next minute I’m overwhelmed with the possibility it maybe something serious. I’m also so angry with myself because I was a sunbed addict and know if it’s cancer then it’s my own fault. Feel like if it is then it’s what I get. Sorry for going on, I just don’t have anyone to talk to about it as my partner won’t talk about it until I have the results as he is a very optimist person. I’m more of a worrier as you can tell. Anyway thank you again for reading and replying it means a lot. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi LouLou 

    I hope you are having a nice weekend and trying to take your mind of things. I'm brand new to the group and saw your post. I know exactly how are you aready feeling as I  going the same thing

    I had my mole excision on 15th and waiting for results it's so hard not go to crazy isn't it! I get my external stitches out tomorrow which may help. I had internah stitching too so I know they need to go deep into my leg.

    They told me up to 6 weeks but I keep seeing people get results around the 2 week mark so everyday I wake up thinking today could be the day.

    I also used sunbeds, lived in the middle east for a few years and have been burned in the UK and fair few times so I also beat myself up about that I totally understand.

    I  also on of life's worriers and my husband says the same as yours so hard to get things off your chest.

    I hope you have had news by now? This forum seems an amazing supportive place which is so important during this stressful time and I am also here to chat to anyone that wants to vent/chat/compare notes etc..

    Take care

    L x

  • Hi 

    I'm just checking in with you to see how you are and whether you've had the results of the biopsy yet?

    I'm hoping that as we haven't heard from you it didn't turn out to be melanoma.

    Fingers crossed

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"