Three monthly check-up by phone

  • 9 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi everyone

I was due my next check-up last Friday but had a letter about 4 weeks before hand telling me that it would be done by telephone.

At the beginning of May I had a phone call from the hospital telling me that my appointment would be by phone and that it should be at about the same time as my check-up should have been. She also said that when the consultant looks at my file on the day they might decide not to call me and I'd just get another appointment come through the post.

The morning of my telephone appointment came and I had a call about half an hour later than the time given. I was asked the same questions about my health, etc that I normally am when I attend the clinic and was told that I'd get an appointment through the post for my next check-up due in August. Obviously I'm hoping that by then the hospital will be back to seeing people in the flesh.

I actually found the telephone appointment quite relaxing as I hadn't had the stress of getting to the hospital and I had the chance to ask a couple of questions that I'd never seemed to have got round to asking when I'd gone for my check-ups before. Obviously it doesn't give you the same peace of mind as actually being physically checked, but as I'm 3 years into this now I was okay with that. 

Has anyone else had their check-up by phone and, if so, how did you get on?


  • FormerMember

    Hi latchbrook, my last dermatology check up was supposed to be over the phone but I emailed them a picture of a suspicious stain on my foot and I ended up having to go in. Following that I was waiting for an appointment with the plastic surgeon but I received a call yesterday to say the app would be via telephone today. The PS rang today and I felt that the outcome of the call was positive. Knowing I can always email them if I think something needs to be physically looked at, has made me feel a lot better about the telephone appointments as I had been worried about it initially.

  • FormerMember

    Hiya I had a telephone consultation two weeks ago and it turned out to be stage 1 melanoma Cry x

  • Yes I have had two consultations by telephone and I actually preferred it as I don’t get a physical examination unless I am worried about something. I was more relaxed and no waiting hours in a crowded waiting room. I was able to have questions on a piece of paper and was able to scribble answers down as usually looking at the doctor. I hope we can have more telephone consultations when the situation eases. 

    I think it would help the NHS as this would be a more time saving way of doing things. Also no hospital parking costs. I know there are times when it is important to have a face to face meeting but if people had an option I think it would work well 

    Stay safe everyone. 

  • I also had my appointment by phone , I didn’t find it reassuring, I would have liked to be checked over, I now find small pink marks on different places on my body, I sent pictures a couple of pictures to the nurse she said they looked ok and. Would wait until July next appointment, but I keep looking at them , and feel a little panacy, so hopefully I’ll get normal appointment in July x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to lgrgdg90

    I still had to go to the hospital for mine! I had a nurse with me in the room and the consultant via Skype. X

  • FormerMember

    Hi latchbrook

    I had my 3 monthly check up in April by phone.  Because I'm nearly 3 years in now I was quite happy doing it this way.  My consultant normally sees me after a trainee dermatologist has checked me over.  The phone call was from the female who is my new doctor, the one I used to see had moved on.  She was very nice, asked me if I had any concerns and then asked if I knew how to check my own lymph nodes.  Answer no so she directed me to a YouTube video.

    I then started asking about my son which was the bit that really pleased me as she was happy to help.  Because he has one parent dead from MM and the other, myself, having had MM I managed to get him annual check ups in the same department.  Since childhood they have seen him for one offs.  The last appointment in January was running so late that I had to leave him which was a shame because two things came up that I would like to have been there for - genetics and digital photography. It is difficult getting sense out of my son so I asked the doctor if she could tell me anything about this last appointment.  She was able to look him up and the one thing she could tell me is that he is,in fact we now have an appointment for 2021, going to be digitally photographed.  Very few can be done in a day hence the delay.  This will be great as my son throughout his 20s has been developing the same ugly looking moles, perhaps not yet in the vast quantity, that his father had. I believe these photos can in the future be layered to see changes.  I have no faith in myself to spot dangerous moles and no faith in the rules given out,which because I followed them made me think I had nothing dangerous on my skin, so I'm very pleased.  Just hope my son can stay in the system, he deserves to.


  • Hi , I wondered what the link was that she shared with you ? Are you able to copy it and share it here? 

    I have in the past shared the melanoma patient conference U.K. 2017 link Mr Oliver Cassell showing a lymph node check, which I’ve put below, it would be great to see if there is something else out there.

    Best wishes

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Hi KTatHome

    It is a Dr Christian Aldridge, giving the talk, and I set out below the link.  When I right clicked and opened in a new tab it worked.  I do hope it works for you:-

    I have just read your fascinating piece on Pokemon.  I'm not surprised you have been drawn into it.  It obviously gets you out, you spend time thinking about the game and you connect with other people, including your neighbours which is good. My walks at this time of year are to study the wild flowers and butterflies.  I live quite near to chalk downland and these are the walks I like best, although very near to me are two nature reserves and as both are quite wet, being off the chalk, I see different plants.  I am on the hunt for orchids at present and have another chalk nature reserve, well known for its orchids to visit very soon.  

    Very best wishes for all up coming hospital visits and scans.  I'm still amazed at the progress made with MM.  If I hadn't had my brush with it I would still be thinking that's it if you have MM, there is no treatment other than pain relief, just as my husband discovered 30 years ago.  How times have changed.

  • Thank you for adding the link for us all, it was useful to see. Lovely to hear about your orchid hunt, glad you have somewhere nice to go to near by. Times have certainly changed for treatment in the last 30 years, and in the last 5, I’m sorry for the loss of your husband but glad things have improved so much, and hope that improvement keeps going forward.

    Take care KT