
  • 9 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi I'm new to this site but looks like it will help me having like minded people to speak to. After having operation looks like I'll be having immunotherapy not sure of type as waiting to see consultant i was just wondering about side affects any advive would be welcome

  • Hi

    There are quite a few people on this site who are having or have had immunotherapy (me included) so you will certainly be able to get support here.  It might be best to wait until you know exactly which drugs you will be having as there are many around and can be used in different ways. Side effects can differ from person to person too so no two people will react in the same way. Your oncologist will have all the information you need and will keep a careful eye on you and any symptoms you may get. Good luck with your treatment and keep us posted! 


  • Hi , I’ve just read your profile and it looks like you’ve had the melanoma in the lymph nodes removed and you will be doing adjuvant treatment to help prevent it coming back. I’ve had Pembrolizumab 45 doses up to Feb this year. 

    Have you been looking at the info on side effects ? It’s a big long list and can seem scary thinking of the possibilities, but that’s what they are possibilities. I have had a mild time with side effects, a rash that delayed my 2nd treatment by a week, and I had antihistamines to help and prevent for a few more doses and tiredness which I just learn to expect and manage so that I don’t go from boom to bust. I just plan in a few restful days around treatment. 

    Theres a video you might find useful to see I’ll put the link in, its about having the treatment and reporting side effects.

    And there’s this one From the melanoma patient conference Dr Pippa Corrie on Sideffects and response to immunotherapy.

     I’m sure others will be along to tell you about their treatment, and side effects that had. Has targeted therapy been discussed as well? Are you BRAF positive ? Or is it just immunotherapy Pembrolizumab, or Ipilumamab, or Ipilumamab with Nivolumab They may give you a choice and sometimes the choice is the hard part, knowing what questions to ask to make that choice.

    Best wishes and ask away again if you think of anything else you want to ask.

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Thank you so much for your advice I'm not sure what type of treatment i will be having yet as not seen consultant yet. Trouble is with me i over think everything so worry before i even know whats on offer. I'll check out the websites you sent. Many thanks and i hope you're well 

  • I think the worry and apprehension is very normal, I’d just say don’t look to far ahead at things that might not happen. I think research for finding out about your choices can be good as it can prepare you for questions to ask at that appointment. You can also use the search bar to look at other comments on the treatments I’ve mentioned. 

    Take care KT

  • Hi, I am stating my first treatment Pembrolizumab today In a few hours and a second treatment on the 28th Of this month, little apprehensive about it as I was told treatment would be Once every 6 weeks, I hope you don’t mind me asking but how often are you having Pembrolizumab?

  • Hi Blaine, I can understand your confusion, I was thinking as I read this a mistake has been made. I have only ever had my treatment 3 weeks or 6 weeks with a double dose apart. I always have a blood test within a week of my iv treatment so I’m wondering if today is a blood test and perhaps any consent forms being signed and being shown where to go and then your first treatment next week. I am sure they will sort things out when you get there or if you have time your cancer nurses will put your mind at rest. If you have had a blood test and they have brought your appointment forward perhaps they haven’t yet cancelled the other appointment on the system. 

    Good luck today.

    Take care KT

  • Hi, Sorry I should of said that I’ve had blood test done on the 13th May and filled in all necessary forms And yes it’s possible they may of not cancelled the 28th appointment, hopefully I’ll found out when I get there and thanks for the good luck, I’m very nervous but I’m sure it will be fine.

  • hi KTatHome, You were right, I Spoke to the nurse and the appointment for the 28th of May was a mistake, thank goodness.
    After doing my initial observations and temperature checks and Answering various questions on my general health, the Immunotherapy treatment only took 30 minutes to administer the drug Pembrolizumab via cannula in my hand, there was nothing to be nervous about so the whole thing took about an Hour. The nurse was very kind and explained what was going to happen just need to look out out for any side effect, if any. I have a 24 hour number to call if I do experience any. 

  • Excellent , now relax and be kind to yourself for a few days. When I have rung my 24 hour number they have been lovely and very reassuring. 

    Take care KT