A big thank-you!

  • 4 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi all, not sure why this site has decided I’ve only just joined - again - I haven’t, I’ve been dipping in and out for around a year now!

Anyway, I’ve been meaning to say this for a while now... there are sooo many people that pass through here, scared, confused, emotionally on edge, and from many many different walks of life, and those people all have different levels of understanding and want different things from this group. I have been AMAZED at how fantastic and are at welcoming every single one of us. So very patient and kind, when basically saying the same thing on repeat and heading back into that emotional turmoil themselves every time. I’m also aware you both post in other groups too - not just the melanoma group. It must be very draining at times. There have been a number of people along the way that I would have struggled to remain patient with, but you two always show the same levels of care and compassion to everyone, regardless of how rude they might be!

So from me, and I’m sure everyone else would echo this, a massive massive thank you for what you are both doing. Xxx

  • Thank you , I am really terrible at receiving compliments I go into shy mode! But they are really nice to hear and reinforce that feeling that if something bad like cancer happens to us with all that anxiety baggage something good should come out of it to and that’s helping others with our personal cancer experience and with linking in any information we have seen that might be useful, and reporting to admin any posts that breach the Macmillan guidelines. We like to keep a supportive atmosphere that encourages others to reply and I’m really glad that you and others do to. 

    spend an amazing amount of time helping others on the site as do lots of champions, and the Community Champions have been nominated this year for the Vicky Clement-Jones award for Macmillan’s annual volunteer awards. The award is all about using your own cancer experiences to help others and our Team are the National Winners! There’s usually a presentation but this has had to be cancelled due to the virus but we have received individual letters with quotes from the site from members who have thanked us. Often we help and don’t get replies but it’s really nice when we do and we are making a difference. I get embarrassed that sometimes I step back a bit as you hit the nail on the head when you mention how draining it can sometimes be if our mindset puts us back into any emotional turmoil we’ve previously had. I’m heading up to my 5 year anniversary of hearing my original incurable diagnosis so who knows wether that will throw up any blips for me, but hopefully there will be others like you here to help with my blips. Which reminds me I must stop putting of doing my next blog entry! 

    Thank you Katy it’s much appreciated.


    Take care KT

  • I totally agree with your words. Over the time I have read and participated in this site has been so informative. Mainly due to the knowledge and kindness of these two people. Everyone take care and stay safe. Xx

  • Hi

    What a really lovely message to see when I logged on this morning. It really means a lot that you've taken the time to write this Slight smile

    I was drawn to this community because of my own experience with melanoma. Knowing how I felt when I received my diagnosis I wanted to try and help others through their own personal 'journey' with melanoma. If I've managed to do this over the years then I'm very happy.

    Thanks for uploading a photo of your award and card and explaining what it is that the whole Community Champions team has won this year. I guess we should have let everyone in the group know about it but I think we're both quiet people who don't like to boast. However, I'm very proud to have received this award and my card and medal are proudly on display at home.

    Thank you Katy


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  •  & Latchbrook,

    You are both amazing; compassionate, helpful, knowlegable & seemingly tireless.

    I am really grateful for the support over the last few years, and especially pleased to see you have been recognised for it by MacMillan.

    Take care


    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!