Melanoma 1A Diagnosis, Treament (WLE) and Healing

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Hi - I wanted to share my experience on here of melanoma- particularly those who are about to have a WLE (wide local excision) and want to know a bit more about what to expect.

I am in my early 30s and around 4 years ago I noticed an unusual mole on my ankle. After being seen my the doctor they advised me to photograph it every few months and come back if there were any changes. Fast forward 4 years and I went back as it seemed to be getting darker. I was given a 2 week referral to see a consultant. He took one look and informed me it was probably a melanoma. It definitley needed to be removed. 3 days later and I was at a day surgery having the excision. The doctor stitched it up well and I only had 3 stitches to be removed a few weeks later. I had to wait 6 weeks for the biopsy results which felt like an age. When I finally got my next appointment at the hospital the nurse confirmed their suspicions- it was a superficial spreading malignant melanoma stage 1A. They advised a wide local excision - 1cm all around the original scar. Because of the location it would not be able to be stitched up and so they recommended having an open wound (rather than a graft or flap) which takes around 8 weeks to heal. I had the surgery the week the COVID-19 lockdown started. Being on my ankle it was incredibly painful for the first few weeks afterwards. I couldn't walk the day after and couldn't walk properly for around 2 weeks. I was able to drive after 3 weeks. The wound has now healed up nicely although there will be a scar around the size of a 1p piece when it is all done and dusted. I feel very lucky that this should be the end of my cancer journey. <Edited by Admin>

Hope you are all staying safe xx

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    Thanks very much for taking the time to explain your experience with a WLE especially as it was left to heal by secondary intention and not closed with stitches. Most WLE's are closed with stitches so this will be useful to read by anyone who is having a similar WLE to you in the future.

    I'm glad to hear that the wound has now healed and that you don't require any further treatment. I assume you've now moved on to regular check-ups with your consultant.

    Take care x

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