It’s a miracle - NOT melanoma

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  • 57 subscribers

In this time of uncertainty and anxiety for many cancer patients I just wanted to post a little bit of hope and positivity. After being diagnosed with M1B in February I was waiting for next steps of WLE & SLNB when the Corona pandemic hit and all treatment and screening cancelled. Following some research and a number of calls my hubbie managed to find a surgeon in the private sector  who was happy to meet with us for a urgent consultation. Armed with a copy of my pathology from the original excision in December we ventured into London in the midst of lockdown. The surgeon was not convinced about the pathology!!! So felt that before a decision was made about how to proceed that he wanted to rerun the tests ( though proved to not be that easy trying to get hold of originals slides ) anyway long story short, with slides being passed to a renowned specialist professor of pathology he’s found that the lesion is a ‘Spitz Nevus’ apparently it can be very difficult to diagnose as there are many similar features as melanoma but also it’s quite uncommon in adults. After 3 months of fear and anxiety to be told this was amazing, a miracle... not in my wildest dreams did I think  this could happen. So treatment advise WLE with gentler margins and regular monitoring just in case this lesion was a precursor to something more aggressive. This was done right there in the clinic and I’m now resting up with a huge sense of relief but also thankful for this amazing news. 

I just wanted to share :-) 

  • Hello

    What news, so happy for you.

    I too want a second opinion and was hoping you might share the details of the pathologist?

    Thank you and keep smiling xx

  • That really is good news !

    I bet you couldn't believe it when the surgeon told you. If you don't mind me asking, what made him think that the original pathology report was wrong?


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MLD73

    Hi MLD73

    I have messaged you directly with some contact info.

    good luck

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi Latchbrook

    No I couldn’t believe it. I’d spent 3 months panic stricken especially when op got cancelled. Spent far too much time researching with not always promising results. When I went to the appointment I really thought best case scenario was melanoma but not aggressive the aggressive kind but actually convinced myself that original diagnosis was correct. So hearing that was amazing. 

    There was very evident contradictions held within the histology. Weirdly it indicated diagnosis of both “in Situ” and “superficial spreading” With some other confusions. Other than breslow depth everything else seemed to be extremely positive 0 mitosis , no ulceration etc but the pathologist had carried out a lot of additional screening which led the surgeon to have lots of questions and wonder if pathogist just really wasn’t certain. He was also confused why the full histology wasn’t discussed at diagnosis as he felt that it might have lessoned my anxiety. So actually the original histology indicated 2 different types of melanoma but outcome was In fact  neither. 

    whilst I’m not writing here to suggest that mistake are often made,   I hope that it might help some have some hope that it’s not always bad news. 

    take care, stay safe 

  • That's really interesting

    I know that sometimes it can be very difficult to distinguish a melanoma from something benign and that's why results can take a long time to come back because they're sent for a second opinion. I've never seen my pathology results so have no idea what they say. 

    It's really lovely to have a good luck story though!!!!


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"