Second biopsy

  • 7 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi all,

I selfishly dipped out of this group in Feb when my WLE on my lower leg finally healed and I went back to work. But I’m back now as, not unsurprisingly given how many moles I have, my 3 month check with my SCNS two weeks ago revealed another suspected melanoma - this time on my back.

I had it removed today and I expected it to be a breeze, but I’m in more pain tonight than with either the biopsy and subsequent WLE on my lower leg. The surgeon only did internal stitches and put strong steristrips over the wound to avoid me having to go back and have the stitches removed because of the Covid-19 situation, but they told me to be very careful as it will be at increased risk of poor healing without the usual external stitches so I have to take it easy and not stretch or lift anything heavy (even a kettle) for at least two weeks.

It’s very very sore and I’ve no idea how I’m going to sleep tonight and I guess I’m feeling a bit sorry for myself Disappointed

Has anyone else experienced anything similar?

  • Hi , I haven’t got a similar experience to share but I just wanted to hope that you did get to sleep. It’s not selfish having a break from the site, in fact it’s very necessary sometimes, I’m sorry that your having a tough time at the moment, it must be painful and awkward getting to sleep in the right position. I’m a .....I was going to say tosser and turner but laughed as I paused mid typing !! 

    I move a lot in my sleep and when I had a problem with my arm I was advised to put pillows strategically so that I didn’t roll over, I wondered if anything like that would help. I hope you are being well looked after at home.

    Best wishes

    Take care KT

  • Thanks KT, I did get 2 or 3 hours but it was very hard getting comfortable.  Not sure how I’m going to manage working at my computer today, but at least I am at home and I have tea makers on hand.

    i hope you are ok at the moment x

  • FormerMember

    Hi W Janey

    I am with you on this one.  Nearly 3 years ago immediately following a replacement hip operation which was so very painful for a couple of weeks (2 hours sleep at a stretch), I got caught up in the usual operation for WLE and node biopsy. A BCC removal which was booked for the date of my hip replacement turned out to be melanoma. The after affects on my arm were negligible and I was back to work after taking several days off. 

    However a year later and finally under a consultant, I had a lesion taken off my back.  It was under my bra strap and the consultant said he did not want to spend every check up discussing it with junior doctors!  It was not melanoma.  I expected to feel the same as I did with my arm and could not believe the contrast.  I felt like my body was in shock and all I wanted to do was lie back in an armchair.  I was so tired and yes it was much more painful.  Not on the hip scale! I believe I was able to sleep at night because it was to the side of my back and I naturally sleep on my other side and have to because my hip is still somewhat painful. Because of my earlier lesion removal I was sure I would brush this off, but no it was very different and I puzzled why at the time.  

    So it looks like you are not the only one to get this reaction.  Wishing you all the very best with the results and look after yourself.  It will of course pass but it seems you are as surprised by the after affects as I was.

  • FormerMember

    Hi WJaney,

    I completely empathise with your situation. My melanoma was on my shin & I had no problems with healing, sleep etc. However, since that time (24 years ago) I've had a further 7 dodgy moles/lesions removed (thankfully benign) and a groin/pelvic lymph node dissection (extensive surgery & recovery).  

    The two most problematic excisions for me were on the sole of my foot (excruciating pain when the anaesthetic is administered and then pain & bleeding for 2 days whilst having to lie with my foot raised in the air) and between my shoulder blades on my back. I had external & internal stitches on my back &, because they have to stretch the skin to close up, it's very fragile. I wasn't allowed to lift, carry, push, pull or lift/stretch my arms out or up for the first 10 days to ensure it didn't open. 

    I eventually found that the easiest sleeping position was to lie on my side with pillows behind me to stop me rolling on my back. I also used to snatch 40 winks sitting in an armchair with a pillow in the small of my back & another behind my neck so my upper back wasn't touching anything.

    It does get easier after a few days. I wouldn't suggest sitting at a computer for too long unless you have good support in your lower back and you take regular breaks.

    I hope it settles down quickly & the results come back clear.

  • Thanks and

    Its good to hear I’m not alone, and I’m not being weak and dramatic. I’ve sat at my home office computer for most of today but have had to give up as the pain is unbearable. I don’t think typing at a computer was going to help so I’m going to rest it now, take some decent painkillers and hopefully it’ll feel easier tomorrow.

    I mean it, thanks again - the support from this group is amazing x

  • Hi WJaney,

    I use a bed trolley table for my laptop, and have done since my WLE three years ago.  Best £12 I've ever spent!  As you can angle the surface you can angle your our position too.  I can vouch for leaning back into pillows as its become a personal favorite...

    Weak & dramatic -never in a million years -none of us would ever think such a thing. Some ops are really painful for a while, and its our bodies way of preventing our doing too much.  My foot was operated on this morning and now as it wakes up, there is enough pain to ensure I don't do anything at all until tomorrow!

    Take care,



    After waking up this morning with a very sore foot, I'm not going to be doing anything much at all today, or the next few.

    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • Bless you - I hope the pain in your foot has eased off somewhat x