Leopard print back!

  • 8 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I thought that I should have an especially good look at my skin since the check up will be phone.  As there is a big mirror beside the front door and the bright sun is streaming in, it seemed the ideal place to check my back...  I was rather surprised to see a my back seems to have gone leopard like -somewhat patchy in colour- which is probably pigment related.  I guess this is from my Ipi/ Nivo transfusion a few months back.

I will speak to my consultant about it next week but I thought I'd ask if anybody else has found this too?



In these days of lockdown there's only so much cleaning, painting & fixing to do.  So I've bought roses which are turning out to be quite fun to meddle with.  My newest purchase are sunflower seeds... They should arrive any day.  Who else is growing a giant quarantine sunflower?  

  • Hi yes I also developed vitiligo on my arms and neck when on ipi and Nivolumab. I have been on Nivolumab for nearly two years now and it hasn’t disappeared. It is more noticeable in the Summer months or maybe I notice it as I wear short sleeved clothes. 

    It doesn’t hurt or itch and is almost symmetrical on both arms. I was told it was good to get it as it shows my body is reacting to the drugs. 

    Yes I agree there is only so much housework to do. I am writing this during the latest news and it seems things are now getting better with less deaths and people in hospitals. I hope you get giant sunflowers and if I can get some seeds I will join you.

     I have a telephone consultation on Wednesday so should find out the latest information. 

    Take care 

  • Hi!

    Sorry you got this too, but glad to know as it means I'm not the only one!  LOL.  Mine like yours doesn't itch at all and its fairly mild but extensive. 

    Though now its summer and being outside will reveal whether its more pronouced with a little exposure to the sun. My new huge cantilever umbrella will stop all possiblities of burning, but some sun is good for the immune system.

    The reduction in hospitalisations and fatalities is a massive relief, but until the test, trace & isolate programs are in place and operable, nothing really has changed imo. Ending the lockdown now would be like going back in time five weeks and pressing repeat.

    I ordered my sun flower seeds on eBay.  No idea how it will work out but it will be fun to try.  Its supposed to be a thing for kids, but I will be super pleased if I end up with a two metre tall flower in my back yard!

    I'll let you know how my 'phone call check up goes too. To be honest I'm not expecting much, as usually its a resume on the scans, a skin check and an any problems Q & A. Since I haven't had any scans lately and there won't be a skin check I think of it more as an attempt to reasure us all that we have not been forgotten. Though perhaps they will tell me a date for removing the little bump in my foot?

    Take care


    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • Update

    I had my phone check up, which was nice and reassuring that I'm on a list and not forgotten. I told  my oncologist about the mild vitiligo which predictably she could't really help with.  It was good to know that already my next appointment is planned in a couple of months and my next scans  in July.

    I also mentioned that the lump in  the sole of my foot has not yet been removed, but no big deal as of course I understand how the hospital must be really busy.  I then got a call back an hour later from the plastic surgeons department, and I am having it removed tomorrow morning at 8.30am.  Co-incidence? - perhaps, but I'm more inclined to think my great doctor is on top of it all and gave a call on my behalf.  These guys are so amazing.

    I am really glad to be getting this surgery out of the way as I -like many of you- am sequestered and will have plenty of time to recuperate in the next weeks. Far better than finishing quarantine and then starting a two week further stint at home post op.

    Take care everyone


    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • Hi , good luck for tomorrow morning, as you say much better to have the op now than an extended quarantine, especially as news today is saying about NHS pressing on with business as normal. I hope you sunflowers came and they are planted already.

    best wishes

    Take care KT

  • So pleased you are having the lump removed tomorrow. Good luck with it and yes it is certainly he best time to have it done and when things get better you will be fit to go out. Take care 

  • All the best for tomorrow


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi all,

    Thanks for your best wishes!

    Home again now after surgery.  As always the team were fantastic, happy, chatty and on the ball.

    One week of complete rest with my foot elevated, stiches removed in fourteen days and a test result on the "lump" will follow soon after that.  The surgeon did say he was hopeful that it was not melanoma as "it wasn't blue or black" so fingers (arms & legs) crossed.

    Methinks I should be able to hobble to the garden once every three days to feed my new young roses & cuttings... Royal Mail have lost my Sunflower seeds but there are more enroute. If this melanoma has taught me anything, its to never quit and the sunflowers will be no exception!

    Take care,


    Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and find it!

  • Good to hear that everything went well

    Enjoy your week of rest and, hopefully, being waited on!


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"