WLE surgery was done this week

  • 12 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Good afternoon forum

pleased to say I had my WLE done on Scapula on Tuesday. Hospital rang me Monday to say there was a cancellation and could go in Tuesday but only for WLE as there is no SLNB being done. Was torn about that , as really wanted the SLNB Done to see where I was at. Went in to a private hospital on Tuesday as my trust hospitals were not doing this. Feel sore but ok. Glad I had it done ,but dissspointed as I had really thought long and hard about SLNB and decided it was in my best interest to see where I was at. Thanks forum for listening and being there.

  • Hi Andrew

    Glad to hear that you've had your WLE and that you're just feeling a bit sore. When I had mine done I found the same and it soon settled down.

    I can understand why you'd feel disappointed that you've not been able to have a SLNB, having thought long and hard about the benefits or not of having it done.

    I had a SLNB and don't regret my choice but I also know of others who have chosen not to have a SLNB and are happy with their choice too. As you'll be aware, having a SLNB doesn't change your chance of being cured and not having one means that you haven't been subjected to the risks involved in having an operation. 

    I think if I was in your position I'd be telling myself that I haven't missed out on any treatment for melanoma by not having a SLNB but just not had another biopsy. Does that help or am I just making things worse?

    You will now have 5 years of follow-up, just like those of us who have had a SLNB, and your dermatological 'team' will keep a good eye on your skin and lymph nodes through these check-ups.

    I'm sure the people involved in the decision not to go ahead with your SLNB will have weighed up the pros and cons of you not having the SLNB against the risk of catching COVID-19 whilst in hospital. 

    Sending a virtual ((hug)) …… from a safe distance!

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Do understand it’s not a treatment , also wouldn’t have more surgery.   Just feel it would have given me better peace of mind. 

  • Hi Andrew

    The trouble with typing a message, rather than actually speaking, is so much gets lost when you can't hear the other person's voice and see their body language.

    I do understand why you feel that if you'd had the SLNB you'd have peace of mind as that was the reason I choose to have one.

    I wasn't trying to suggest that you didn't know what a SLNB was, just trying to give you some reassurance around not having one. I've obviously failed on that account, I'm sorry Disappointed

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Andrew

    I had a WLE last year and was also give the option of SLNB which I had done for the same reason. I didn’t want to find that the melanoma had spread into the local area and I would then require the SLNB anyway. So I understand your disappointment after taking the time to make the decision to have the SLNB carried out.

    I know these are worrying time’s and the Coronavirus interfering with your surgery hasn’t helped. But hopefully, like myself, your results of WLE will show no sign of spread to the local area and the chances of spreading nearby lymph nodes is minimal. I don’t regret having the SLNB one bit but was left with a feeling that I had all that extra surgery done for nothing and the WLE would have given me the same results. 

    The main thing is you have managed to have the WLE and a few weeks from now you will have a clearer idea of where you are at. Fingers crossed you get the results you hope for. 

    As latchbrook said you will now have 5 years of follow up from dermatology who will keep an eye on your skin and lymph nodes. 

    Stay positive and talk to people about your worries Muscle


  • Hi Kev thanks for replying, could I ask what your melonoma was and in terms of depth. Also had it ulcerated.



  • Hi Andrew

    My melanoma wasn’t ulcerated and was 1.3mm. I know of people who have had much larger melanoma removed and had the same result.

    I focused on recovering from the surgery whilst waiting for my results as this was something I could effect. This helped take my mind away from the what if’s.

    Now you have had your WLE you are one step further on your journey. Whatever the result there is fantastic support available and plenty of people on here who have experienced the similar situations. 

    Hope this helps Thumbsup


  • Hi Andrew 

    My melanoma was 1.45mm and ulcerated but, like Kev, it hadn't spread to my lymph nodes.

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thanks Kev, glad of your input.

    regards Andrew

  • Thanks latchbrook ,that helps.



  • Hi

    How are things? I'm guessing that you've had the results back from your WLE by now and I hope they came back clear.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"