WLE - Still feeling internal stitches after 4 months?

  • 4 replies
  • 57 subscribers

I wonder if anyone else can advise based on their own experience.

I had a WLE 4 months ago for melanoma in situ and had the all clear just over a month ago that the WLE was clear.

But my scar still has tiny hard lumps along it that feel like the internal stitches still there. I watched the surgeon close the wound and he did a layer of (dissolvable) stitches underneath and then some non-dissolvable stitches to close the wound. 

I still have a tiny bit of puckering along the scar, which makes me think it may be taking ages for the internal stitches to fully dissolve.

The tiny lumps almost feel like the ends of a stitch and feel tender to touch as if they may break through the skin.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Obviously, I don't want to bother my GP, and definitely not the hospital clinic at the moment. It doesn't bother me too often, but I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps the wrong type of stitches were used and these just aren't dissolving. Or maybe I'm just being a bit paranoid about it?!

  • Hi

    I've had dissolvable stitches three times and they all dissolved within a few weeks. However, this information on dissolvable stitches from the NHS says that it can take several months for stitches to dissolve depending on the type. It goes on to say that if they're bothering you to see your GP, or practice nurse, who can remove them rather than waiting for them to dissolve completely.

    Let me know how you get on


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  • Thank you *latchbrook* your link led me to some other websites that said the dissolvable stitches can take up to 6 months to dissolve fully and they described how mine feel at the moment. Since mine are under the surface I don't think GP or nurse could remove them as it would mean opening up the scar to get to underneath. I had dissolvable stitches for my initial biopsy and I ended up removing those myself but these are underneath the healed scar. 

    I'll keep an eye on it and see how long it takes to fully dissolve. For now i'm reassured this is normal, even if it it seems to be taking forever. I was beginning to worry that they'd actually used non-dissolvable stitches underneath!


  • FormerMember


    I’ve had no experience of dissolvable stitches personally (not that I’m aware of, but actually quite likely I’ve had them now I think about it!), but a friend of mine had real trouble with some in her foot not dissolving. It might be worth just giving your nurse a call (or a Macmillan nurse?) just to talk it through? It worries me that you say they’re tender - you’d think things would be pretty well healed by now.

    I understand not wanting to bother people, but if there was a problem and you left it too long, it would have a much bigger impact on everyone! Just give them a call and put your mind at rest. Best of luck. X

  • Finally, 5 & 1/2 months after my WLE, my scar has settled. The small lumps that felt like the internal stitches close to the surface have finally disappeared. Really surprised how long it's taken.