Low creatinine level so Ipi/Nivo stopped.

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  • 55 subscribers

I have had 2 doses of Ipi/Nivo and was due for my third last week but was told my blood test showed low creatinine levels. Some sort of kidney inflammation. Oncologist says it would do more harm than good to continue with the treatment so he has stopped it and has given me steroids for a month. I forgot to ask what is the purpose of steroids? What to they do? They have told me to drink lots and lots of water but apart is there anything else I can do?

  • Hi , I’m sorry your having a treatment break even if it is for the best it can be a sort of knock to your confidence I’ve found. 

    Ive found you a link for info on steroids that you might find helpful.


    It will answer the question of what do they do, it’s lots of stuff so I thought it was easier for you to read the link. For me I had to take the steroids in the morning as they made be more active so if I’d taken them at night I’d have never got to sleep. They quickly made me feel well enough to start treatment nearly 5 years ago. They are the go to then side effects are adversely affecting us as well. I can’t remember any other instructions but the Macmillan support line might be able to help, but they might say it’s best to talk to your medical team again, they won’t mind running through things again with you, we all have trouble in the appointments at some time to ask all we need to.

    Best wishes

    Take care KT

  • Thank you that link was very useful. Looking back and thinking about previous treatment 6 years ago I remember having steroids along with chemotherapy for my bowel cancer but never asked why. I think I only found out I was having it when I told my nurse I couldn't sleep at night. (which of course is one of the side effects) I have been told to take these tablets with breakfast so hopefully it won't affect my sleep.

    I will be having more blood tests next week so will go armed with more questions!

    Thanks again.
