Cancelled surgery

  • 3 replies
  • 56 subscribers

I was supposed to have WLE on the 19th then cancelled and arranged for 25th March. Then I had a phone call from my doctor to say they don’t want to do the WLE on the 25th but to do a blocked dissection at some point not sure when, maybe 4 weeks. Then a letter arrived this morning, they are cancelling all elective work including cancer work as the hospital only has the capacity for the management of covid 19 patients, but to be reassured that they will find a way to organise treatment as soon as possible, I Was so hoping to have this cancerous lymph node removed and have whatever therapy treatment I need but who knows what’s going to happen now? Has anyone had there surgery cancelled?

  • Hi , I’ve just read the post by  who seems to has the same problem of postponed surgery. It must be very difficult for the NHS at the moment trying to weigh up the risk to everyone. It saddens me all the anxiety and uncertainty around at the moment, but I am also so grateful for all the dedication of the NHS staff, and I’m sure they will want to organise treatment for you asap. 

    I couldn’t understand how you know your lymph node is cancerous though if you haven’t had your WLE yet. Anyway I hope you can connect with someone in the same position as you. My situations different from yours, at the moment my immunotherapy seems to be going ahead next week, but I’ve been through a lot of anxiety and uncertainty if that helps?

    Best wishes

    Take care KT

  • Hi katathome

    They did a needle biopsy and told me it was and that the cancer was localised in that node in my right groin. They originally wanted to do a block dissection but could only offer a WLE to remove the node under LA because of the virus and limited medical team. I'm sure they will try to do the surgery atcsome point but its waiting game at the moment so I do hope this virus will come to an end.

  • Thanks for explaining Blaine, I should have realised as I’ve had three needle biopsies. My last one showed that although the node had enlarged that the melanoma cells were dying and I could feel the node shrinking over a few weeks. My fingers are also crossed that the virus will come to an end quickly. 

    Best wishes

    Take care KT