How is everyone?

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  • 56 subscribers

Hi everyone and welcome to the group at what is a very difficult time for us all.

If you haven't posted yet and want to ask a question just click on Start A Discussion, which you'll see near the top of the page, or reply to this post. There are people here at all different stages of melanoma, so lots of experience available.

Another way of looking for information is to use the search bar near the top of the page to search for old threads covering what you're looking for.

The online community is here to give peer to peer support, so don’t forget to join in with posts if you have experience of something mentioned or are in a similar position, and don't feel that just because someone has replied to a post you can't join in. The more the merrier!

Sometimes you might not have any experience with what is being asked about but you might feel that that you know or appreciate what the poster is going through so a kind reply and a gentle, virtual hug is always appreciated.

You might also like to join in with the daily 'Three Good Things' thread. The idea is to focus on three good things that have happened to you today. They don't have to be major things, they can be something as simple as noticing that a favourite plant in your garden has started to flower, or hearing a blackbird singing in the evening.

It's very easy to get pulled down into negativity with everything we see on the news so KTatHome and I thought this could be one way of lifting our spirits.

If you haven't yet completed your profile when you have a minute could you pop something about your journey so far into it as it really helps others when answering. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Edit Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.
