Three Good Things

  • 32 replies
  • 55 subscribers

Hi everyone

With the world in turmoil I thought now might be a good idea to resurrect this thread that my friend started a while ago.

The idea is to focus on three good things that have happened to you today. They don't have to be major things, they can be something as simple as noticing that a favourite plant in your garden has started to flower, or hearing a blackbird singing in the evening.

It's very easy to get pulled down into negativity with everything we see on the news so I thought this could be one way of lifting our spirits.

So, as I've started this, I'll set the ball rolling with my 3 good things for today.

  1. My first attempt at making American pancakes for breakfast was a success! Unfortunately we didn't have any Maple syrup so had to make do with golden syrup instead.
  2. Got an online delivery slot, although it's for 2 weeks time, and Maple syrup now on the shopping list!
  3. Went for my daily exercise this afternoon, a walk around the lanes where I live, and noticed a tree with the biggest buds you've ever seen waiting to open.

Okay, now it's your turn.

(((hugs))) from a distance

  • What a good idea.

    1 Cleaned all the garden pots.

    2 Spoke to as many friends as I could by text or telephone.It makes you realise everyone is in this situation. We talked about what we would do when it was over and came up with walk, drink coffee and eat cake.

    3 My husband I have decided to treat weekends differently and cook a nice meal each evening .

    I look forward to seeing other ideas. 

    Take care x

  • Well hello, 

    #1 my extremely vulnerable Coronavirus letter came today, I got the text on Monday I think it was. It may seem strange that this is a good thing but it was the next thing I was waiting for and might make it easier for food deliveries to be prioritised if I need that. Also it didn’t come when the post was delivered today, as it went to next door instead, but they kindly popped it round. We have a WhatsApp group set up between our immediate neighbours to help with chats, or sharing of bread, milk etc. Next thing due is to find out if my appointments are going ahead as normal or not.

    #2 I found a Ukulele Orchestra of GB hour long concert on YouTube and watched it, that was my treat or rest after doing some gardening today, and yesterday. I have also in the last few days changed the cooker hood filter and deep cleaned the whole fridge, so it was time for a treat.

    #3 with no walking netball and no Pokemon walks, but still the need to exercise I found a link to something on YouTube yesterday, today I decided not to watch it but remembered the exercises to do while listening to some of my old music.

    Tomorrow I will be looking forward hopefully to a facetime with my daughter still in Japan and my other daughter who should be flying home tomorrow.

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Hey all

    1. What a beautiful day, I did some salutation to the sun yoga out side this morning (basically just stand and stretch : Rofl is the most I can do .)

    2. Watching a squirrel in my front garden digging up things it had buried and then it robbed the bird table..

    3. Huge loud bumble bees coming out today going about their business is such a joy to see. 

    Yes, nature is very important to me haha HuggingSunflowerBee

  • So my three good things for yesterday were:

    1. Dug the breadmaker out from obscurity and successfully baked a loaf. However, it then broke down and will now need replacing.
    2. Realised how much money I'm saving stuck indoors and that will now pay for a new bread maker when they're back in stock.
    3. Enjoyed a peaceful walk

    Over to you.....

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • My three good things for today are

    Its my wedding anniversary. We planned to go out but instead my husband is cooking tapas food. We decided to dress smartly for dinner Friday ,Saturday and Sunday.

    I got 12 cream gigs for my present off him as he knows I like chocolate and haven’t been able to go to the shops. 

    We got boxes out of the garage which had his mums ornaments etc and found some lovely jugs .I may add she has been dead for 10 years and died 10 years from today on our wedding anniversary.

    I hope you can replace the bread maker online  I love freshly baked bread I am keeping a diary each day that I am I staying indoors and trying to make it as positive as possible Sorry that wasn’t meant to be a fourth thing  Take care and keep safe


  • #1 My daughter has arrived  back in the U.K. a day late as her flight was changed but is back non the less after her holiday in Japan. I’m just relieved she’s back.

    #2. I finally put some new paper on the shelf Unser the sink, not exciting but it’s one of those jobs I’ve been meaning to do for over a year, but it was too boring to do. Today was the day.

    #3 ’s post has brought a smile to my face as I have been meaning to declutter my mums ornaments that have been in our garage for 6 years, suddenly I don’t feel so guilty about not doing it. 

    Hi , hope you are able to get a replacement soon. I was looking online for an exercise bike today, but earliest delivery was 20/4 , I may have gone off the idea by then.

    best wishes

    Take care KT

  • #1 I FaceTimed my daughter in Japan, during the call her door bell rang apparently it was a delivery driver apologising that a table my daughter had ordered had come early, to which the reply was, no need to be sorry I’m really pleased that it’s come early. I don’t speak any Japanese and I’m so proud of my daughter and how competent she is and that she seems happy and confident. 

    #2 my other daughter FaceTimed me and we had a long chatty conversation about her enjoyable but partly surreal holiday and long journey home, and a very important virtual hug. I’m so glad I didn’t go though.

    #3 Today was a communication day touching base with neighbours, Pokemon players and walking netball players, there seems to be a real community spirit at the moment, and I’m lucky to have thoughtful people around me. That’s the thing to remember when the news seems to report the opposite most of the time. 

    Take care KT

  • My 3 good things for yesterday were:

    1. Had coffee with friends who live close by via Facetime
    2. Added a few more people to my family tree
    3. Enjoyed a lazy evening watching the TV

    I haven't managed to source a bread maker yet and Disappointed I think everyone must have the same idea of baking bread at home.

    How did your wedding anniversary meal go ? Tapas sounds a great idea. We go to Spain during the winter and really enjoy the tapas there. I hadn't thought to try and replicate it here but might give it a go. 

    How long has your daughter lived in Japan ? I guess she's fairly fluent in Japanese is she? I do envy people who can speak other languages and have just started a course on my laptop to learn Spanish.

    So hasta la vista!

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi , she’s been out there 5 years last September, but she also had a year of Uni out there as she did a degree in Japanese, and 6 months volunteering out there prior to going to Uni. Of course as I don’t speak it myself I’ll never really know how fluent she is but it always sounds impressive the few times I hear her talking it.

    Take care KT

  • Hi Tapas went well.Beef in red wine,butter beans and chorizo,potatoes and king prawn dish with bread and red wine. My husband always does the cooking and main shopping.

    My 3 things today were

    I made another necklace for my friend.

    My son phoned from Leeds and seems to be managing the situation well.He lives in a flat on his own and works from home at the moment. He is in contact regularly with his friends and is playing online games tonight with his work friends. I initially wanted him to move back home for a while.

    I too watched TV this afternoon catching up on some programmes I had recorded. I have a lot of jobs around the house but need to pace them out.
