Ocular Melanoma

  • 2 replies
  • 55 subscribers

Hi all,

I have recently been diagnosed with ocular melanoma. 

I would love to speak with somebody that has experience with this type of cancer if possible. 



  • Hi , welcome to the online community. I’m sorry to hear of your diagnosis, I have metastatic melanoma, where no primary was found so I’m unable to help with personal experience of ocular melanoma except for having an eye test to check for it. I saw that you  also joined the eye cancer group, which is great as ocular melanoma is actually the most common type of eye cancer according to the Macmillan information I was reading. I noticed that you said you felt ill informed so I thought I’d put the link in below in case you haven’t found it, it goes through diagnosis and treatment so thought it might help.


    I put the world melanoma in the search bar in the eye cancer group and quite a few discussions showed up of people ahead of you who hopefully can help you with their experience. You might want to do the same and read through and reply to any that take your interest. It also helps to put some info in your profile and perhaps read the profile of others that you come across in the eye cancer group. 

    To do that you just click on your user name find the edit profile button, type what brings you to the site press save down at the bottom. The help section goes through some ideas for you.

    I hope you find the support that you need, it’s scary in the world at the moment without a cancer diagnosis let alone with one ! If you need any help with the site just press reply and ask and I’ll get back to you.

    Best wishes

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Hi KT, 

    Thank you for such a warm introduction and detailed message. I’m also sorry to hear of your diagnosis as well. 

    Thanks for the link and the advice. I think I’ve found a good place to start here as everybody already seems very kind and welcoming, such as yourself. 

    Wishing you all the best and appreciate your response Blush