Second primary melanoma at 27

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  • 56 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

Almost 4 years ago at the age of 23, I was diagnosed with a melanoma on my shin. I was lucky that it was only stage 1A and I had a WLE (with keystone flap surgery). For a long time after this, I really struggled with anxiety about getting more melanomas that weren't detected by the doctor and then dying from them. I think this is pretty normal? The week leading up to my 3 monthly check-ups was extremely difficult and so was the waiting after biopsies. I also felt very isolated and lonely because I didn't know anybody anywhere near my age that had gone through anything similar. I went to therapy a lot, which helped and after a few years the anxiety dissipated a little. 

Last week I found out that a very small mole on my upper arm that was removed in January (and considered very low risk due to its size) was another melanoma - stage 1A again. I have had the WLE and I also had another potentially suspicious mole removed (more waiting for results!! Slight frown). This news has been devastating, especially because I am an Australian living in London and cannot go back to my family to get some emotional/physical support because of coronavirus (bad timing! Frowning2). The thought of having to go back to 3 monthly check-ups again, coupled with the constant anxiety about the doctor overlooking melanomas on my body is very overwhelming. I have found a therapist here though who will help manage the anxiety, I hope. Also, I know this shouldn't be a factor in my anxiety, but I am also depressed about having another huge scar on my body (2 WLEs and 10+ biopsies), especially at such a young age...

I was wondering if there is anyone in this community who has had more than one primary melanoma? Especially in their 20s? I have been trying to find information online about whether if I have had 2 melanomas, I am likely to get even more but there is nothing that I have found Slight frown

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I've only had the one melanoma diagnosed but I do understand your worry that you might get more and yes, it's perfectly normal. Mine was diagnosed over 3 years ago now and as time has passed I've got less anxious. I don't think the worry will ever entirely go but I've learnt how to live with it.

    That's great that you've been able to access support to help you deal with your feelings of anxiety as I'm sure you'll have found it very helpful.

    From what I understand, and I'm not a medic, once you've had a melanoma you are more at risk of getting another but I don't know if you've had two that makes the risk any greater. If you scroll down this leaflet about melanoma to the heading 'What makes somebody more at risk of developing a new melanoma' you'll see that one of the risk factors is having already had a melanoma.

    When are you expecting the results back from the latest mole you've had removed?


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    Being diagnosed with more than one primary is more common than you think. Anyone that has had a primary melanoma is 25% more at risk of developing another one. I know a few melanoma patients that have had anything between 2 and 6 primaries over a matter of years. 

    This link may help you understand why this can happen

    The good thing is that patients with a previous primary are usually quicker to notice the change in a mole & therefore any subsequent primary is caught quickly and is usually thinner in depth, making it easily treatable.

    Other than an in-situ melanoma, a Stage 1a is the best of a bad bunch so you should have no problem with treatment. I know it's worrying, especially if you suffer from anxiety, however it shows that you are being well cared for by your clinical team. It's not ideal, being covered in scars, but catching them this early is far preferable than them not being caught until they have progressed to a later stage. I see my 9 biopsies, 1 WLE and a 15 ins dissection scar from my groin to my hip as a reminder that I'm still here, fit & well, after 23 years of this fight! I hope your therapist can help you get through this latest health problem & I hope you recover well. xx

  • Hi

    How are you?

    I was just checking in to see if you've had the results back from a mole you've recently had removed. I know that you'd had two previous moles confirmed as melanoma and that you were feeling very anxious.

    I hope that everything's good with you and that this latest mole was benign.


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Thanks for checking in Slight smile

    The mole came back as benign and my WLE is healing well (so itchy though!) 

    Back to 3 monthly appointments with the dermatologist. 

  • That's great news , not the itching though ;)

    I have my next check-up a week on Friday. It'll be interesting as it's going to be by telephone!


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"