COVID-19 - post immunotherapy

  • 1 reply
  • 56 subscribers

Hi , new question, which is probably obvious to some. 

I completed successfully completed ipp/novo treatment for melanoma two years ago (apart from the side effects).

My consultant is happy with my regular six monthly scans and blood tests. He says my immune system has been "reset" and is resistant to re-occurence of melanoma.

So does this mean I am also immune resitant to the Coronavirus virus or is the immune system only increased for melanoma symptons ? 


  • Hi  

    lovely to hear immunotherapy has been successful.

    Unfortunately no one is immune to coronavirus at the moment, unless someone has had coronavirus I guess they may be immune after but that’s uncertain due to it being a new virus. That’s my understanding. 

    If worried or unsure I would contact your specialist.