groin and pelvic dissection

  • 6 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi all

so I’m just home after having a right groin and pelvic lymph node dissection on Tuesday. 

im feeling not too bad considering but am wondering if anyone has any tips on how to get any clothes on with a drain tube coming out of the upper thigh? I came home in my hospital gown as I couldn’t think how to get some clothes on comfortable. I’ve got to go to the dressing clinic on Monday so any ideas before then would be most welcome.

aa usual, I am filled with admiration for all of those wonderful people that work within the NHS - from the cleaners, porters, cooks, HCOs all the way up - they are fantastic

  • FormerMember


    I only had a drain in for 2 weeks & then a suction bag fitted. I found that, wearing elasticated waist tracksuit bottoms was the most comfortable. I draped the drain pipe over the waistband & then put the drain bag in an old shoulder bag & carried it around over my shoulder. 

    I hope your recovery is speedy & without any complications & that the drain can come out very soon.

  • FormerMember

    Hi , good to hear you’re doing well!

    I invested in a few loose pairs of harem pants/culottes, and had the tube going down my leg and out the bottom of the trousers. It could then sit in a long handled cotton shopping bag which I carried around. I suppose it depends if your tube is long enough to do that though... I occasionally brought it up through the waistband, but I don’t think that’s quite as helpful for draining.

    How are you managing pain wise? I found getting up and down from a seated position the worst, but there’s almost been enough time passed now that I’m forgetting!

  • Thanks Grendo. I will give that a try.

    am finding the site where the tube is in my thigh to be the most painful.

    im also unsure how much I’m meant to be moving about. I was told to rest by one person to help recovery and not to produce too much lymph fluid but told to move every hour by someone else to help speed recovery mobility and prevent dvt!


  • Thanks for your reply Katy.

    dont think my tube is long enough to go down my leg so may have to be a waistband option very briefly. I’m slopping about in a large T-shirt at home so doesn’t really matter.

    pain wise I’m not too bad - I do find getting up tricky and also moving my leg onwards as I had the nodes removed in my pelvis and groin I’ve got no strength at all it seems.

    im just waiting for the results and hope that the melanoma was contained within the lymph system but we will see.

    also can’t wait to have a proper shower!!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Tinktoo

    I was told that you must move around, gently & regularly, to avoid lymph build up & lymphoedema. Gentle exercise is encouraged but don't stand in one place for too long & always sit with your leg elevated (higher than the heart if possible) to help the lymph find a new path to drain.

    Not moving about actually encourages the lymph to stay in situ & develop into a seroma which you want to avoid as they can become very large & problematic. I developed a small one that was fine needle aspirated once but they don't like to do it as it can cause infection. They do break down & disappear over a few months but I've known some whose seromas have been like a football!

    Also elevate your leg in bed, either with a pillow or raise the end of your bed on bricks. It helps drain the lymph towards your heart. Ensure you wear the compression socks/stockings you were given in hospital, this helps avoid DVT & swelling which leads to lymphoedema.

    As for a good shower - the simple pleasures in life are the best! I found wrapping my thigh & stomach in cling film allowed me a shower but it was a very messy affair!

    Good luck & I hope your recovery goes well & your results come back clear xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Grendo, I'm new to the site but thanks for the useful info on management of the lymph fluids. I had a groin incision five weeks ago and my drain levels were high throughout the 4 weeks the drain was typically 200-250 a day and 150ml was the lowest 24 hrs amount, I know they like it  to drop to 50ml but it was decided to take it out.  Since then I'm scratching around looking for tips on the fluid  management. My thigh is tight and there is a modest swelling of about 10% in thigh size. I'm expecting at some point soon  a compression garment and get some massage advice?  I've done some very light massages myself following online advice and that does  seem to help my mobility but it would be good to get some reassurance that I'm doing the right thing. I'm back at hospital in 2 days so hopefully  I can ask then. In the meantime I'm walking plenty and when not walking trying to rest with my affected leg raised I have just started doing the recommended excercises ankle rotations calf lifts etc. Ive previously been very fit and active it would be great to get back to that, but obv v slowly.

    Thanks again Mark66