Insitu Melonoma

  • 2 replies
  • 55 subscribers

Hi everyone.

I was given the news last Wednesday that I had a melonoma insitu removed via punch biopsy. Incredibly lucky to hear that the cells hadn't spread but a wider excision is booked in for Monday just to be safe.

At the same time, in light of my recent diagnosis, I'm having 2-3 other biopsies of moles taken and I'm terrified. I've felt sick and have had a knot in my stomach since I found out, in case I have any others diagnosed.

Without a doubt all of you will know this feeling and possibly be in the situation where you're now waiting for more results.

Are there any words of wisdom to try and stay positive and calm my nerves. This all feels very surreal. I guess you always expect it not to happen to you. 

Thank you. 

  • Hi , good luck for Monday, and welcome to the community. You have the best melanoma diagnosis (in situ) so I think I’d keep that in mind, and try to think that because of that and dealing quickly with any suspicious others your giving yourself the best chance so those things are really positive. In situ hasn’t broken down into the further layers of the skin and has been removed. I try and think when waiting for results that there is nothing I can do to change them, so try not to think about the possible outcomes until I get more info. It’s easier said than done sometimes though and a big expression of feeling here I find can help though. 

    Theres a whole section on coping in the info and support sections, I find it’s good to find your own way to keep either your mind off things, or to keep it focussed on positive things, or to learn more about melanoma to feel more in control. 

    I have put a link to Macmillan info below, I can talk for ages on coping, as I’ve just been on a course to help with that.

    best wishes

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Hi KTatHome,

    Thank you for your reply. That's definitely reassuring, I've had a look at was to keep your mind off things.

    I'm definitely feeling incredibly lucky with how early this has been caught and you're right that this will now speed up checking all others are ok. I think it's just the shock and the lack of control of the outcome, but like you say, me worrying won't change any other biopsy results. 

    I'm just going to try to focus on all the positives and I feel truly grateful it's not been a worse diagnosis.

    Thank you again.