Swinging from positive and optimistic to a gibberish mess !!!

  • 2 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi everyone,, been reading some of the discussions here and already feeling better than I was an hour ago. ( Today I’m having a bad, you know how it is, darn lump in my throat !!!)   it’s great that your all so supportive in this community.

So I was diagnosed over a month ago with stage 1B Melanoma after waiting 7 weeks for results of removal of small mole on the back of my thigh. Honestly having waited 7 weeks it came as massive shock. Anyway after meeting with surgeon a week later I’m now waiting for WLE & SLNB .  Been chasing hospital for surgery date,( it’s been 5 weeks since diagnosis and 4 since seeing surgeon)  I just want this thing done. So seem the surgeon been on holiday, now he’s back( let’s hope he’s not been skiing in N Italy or checking out the Great Wall of China’s!!!) then he’s in surgery, then “I’m still waiting to talk to him.”  Anyways I’d like some reassurance,, it’s now been 12 weeks since the mole was removed and I’m freaking out that this wait is just allowing those of those nasty little cells to have a field day.  I’m paranoid that every little twinge or pain is a sign that I have cancer someplace!!! Yeah I know ridiculous and I’m sure many of you are thinking pull yourself together woman. I’m guessing irrational thoughts are normal ??? I’ve had pre assessment but still no surgery scheduled. I wonder if I can have your thought on how long is usual to wait for surgery and is their a time limited after preOp.? 


  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community although I'm very sorry to hear that you've been diagnosed with melanoma.

    Most biopsy results take between 2-6 weeks so 7 weeks is slightly longer than normal. My personal experience was that I had to wait 6 weeks for mine so I do understand how frustrating and worrying this wait must have been for you. I also felt numb when told but joining a group like this is great as you're to chat to real people about their experiences rather than looking on Google!

    I think most people have the WLE and SLNB between 2-8 weeks after being told of their diagnosis. Sometimes it can be longer, mine was about 10 weeks later so, therefore, was about 16 weeks after the original excision. I'm happy to tell you anything you want to know about the ops, just ask. When I had my pre-op I was told that surgery is usually a couple of weeks later.

    When I had a chat with my cancer nurse (SCNS) she explained that the WLE was a "mopping up exercise as the melanoma is removed at the time of the biopsy". She was also able to reassure me that they had already got clear margins on the original excision but that protocols dictated that they remove a further 1-2 cm all around the original site to be on the safe side.

    Have you had chance to have a chat with your SCNS yet? They are very good at helping you to understand the procedure and for answering any questions you might have about your specific diagnosis.

    It's perfectly normal to worry that any little ache or pain means that the cancer has spread whereas, in reality, it's probably just a little ache or pain that you wouldn't even have noticed pre-melanoma diagnosis. What you have to remember is that your body has let you down big time and it might take you a long time to trust it again. Even now, 3 years later, my mind immediately jumps ahead if some new pain manifests itself.

    When you have a minute it would be useful if could pop something about your journey so far into your profile as it really helps others when answering or looking for someone with a similar diagnosis. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Edit Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

    Let us know when you have your surgery date through and, in the meantime, if you want any more information on what's involved with the WLE and SLNB then please come back and ask. Many people in the group, including myself, have had this and we'll be only too happy to share our experiences with you.


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi Latchbrook

    Thank you so much for prompt reply,, it’s really what I needed, just someone who been there and understands make such a difference.

    I did contact my SCNS when I couldn’t reach the plastics team, but By the time she’d  replied I’d already managed to get hold of the surgeons secretary. I guess for me I don’t feel my expectations have been managed very well. I’m told one thing by one person and something different by another, Just leaving me confused and unsure if anything is really moving on, just  knowing that the timescales are within the realms of normal helps a whole lot.

    I hear what your saying about google,, that was my initial mistake found myself in the depths of some horror story’s. I’ve stayed away ever since. Additionally a friend is going through the same thing, positive. SLNB, all other scanning clear but now stage 3 and just started  1 yr course immune therapy. So this is also giving me the heebie geebies !!! 

    For sure I’m going to go update  my profile, thanks for the advise. You’ve been great Latchbrook. I’m hopeful I’ll get some news soon, I’ll be sure to let you know how it all goes 

    Thanks again X